* Spoilers* Sylvanas dialogue redemption?

Blizz didn’t write your fictional character they way you wanted.

I lost friends in the double digits.

Its not really the same.

My entire guild disbanded you don’t have a monopoly on losing friends.

I got to see first hand the true colours of some longtime friends all through BFA.


And you like the story that caused your guild to disband?

I mean, it shows where your priorities that you ranked Sylvanas’ character direction higher than real relationships you developed and lost.

‘a’ implies only one character was ruined, rather than vast swathes

Where did I say I liked this story?

I lost every single friend I made Horde-side during BfA.

You’re pain is not unique. I don’t see you censoring yourself to spare my feelings, yet you expect me to do so for you.

You are very entitled. It’s pretty toxic.




The outcome not the story. The 10% I like about this story is that they didn’t kill off Sylvanas and they are finally talking about what Arthas did to her.

But that must mean I like every possible thing about this story. Those are the two things important to me as a Sylvanas fan.

Naturally this will lead to a dicussion on how the Alliance kill stealing her also denied her redemption. The Jailer has proven to be a master manipulator and that’s likely what lead to him convicing her to wipe out the Alliance in retaliation. This is a wheel that will never stop turning.


Sylvanas loyalist represent every reason why nelf players left in mass.

Teldrassil, and a denial of justice.

The difference between You, Alynsa and I is you might have lost your friends because of the story.

I lost my friends because of the story you like, and what you want for Sylvanas. And you want to pretend like its the same thing, it’s not.

Hell, Blizz only made being a “loyalist” an option because y’all cried so loudly after she set someone else home on fire.
Like “Oh, Genocide? Sign me up to join her team.”

Oh yes, because having people I thought were friends talk about how they wanted to r-word Sylvanas and cut off her head in the name of “Justice” is not the same as your experience being a Night Elf fan and being told “you lost! Get over it”

Heaven forbid I enjoy one joke at your expense.


Sylvanas is a war criminal. You shouldn’t be taken aback that people hate her.


She’s also a subtextual victim of SA. This is Warcraft, everyone is a war criminal.


And it should infuriate you that Blizz once again villainized a victimized woman, not come to idolize her and cheer her on for genocide.

Perhaps it might be a good idea to chillax a bit. This is just going in circles.


It was a JOKE.

Also I’ve seen you personally “Yas Queen” Tyrande when she wants to destroy the Horde. This is a video game. I’m also a night elf player I enjoyed Tryande trying to pop Sylvanas’s head off like a daisy as much as I enjoyed the Burning of Teldrassil.

I even thought Tyrande decapitating Nathanos (my favorite character) was pretty cool. I can disconnect my feelings from this fictional story any time I want.

I am not going to debate this because these between the line narrative hints are entirely subjective. Unless it is explicitly stated.
So lets assume its 100% accurate, but why do you mention this? What is your intent behind this statement, considering the full history of this character so far?

Are you using it as some sort of shield or excuse for her actions?


I am sure people talking about R-ing Sylvanas claimed the same. But -I- never said that to you.

No. The difference is you lost friends who were fans of a single race.

I lost friends on an entire faction, loyalists and rebels, because none of us liked the story. My friends left because entitled people like you kept insisting we must feel a very specific way, because we clearly must be some horrific “other” for playing a different faction from you and being fans of different aspects of the game than you.

So a terrible story that left no one satisfied, followed by a bunch of nelf “fans” who used an event scripted by the dev’s to judge and insult other players and demand we care more about their feelings than our own.

Actually, the real difference? I can acknowledge your pain. You need to diminish mine like a spoiled child.


I have rarely ever seen Horde players or Sylvanas fans actually argue and give ideas of how to address Alliance and NE “pain”

Most of the debates will be about the Alliance got too much already and they are crazy for asking for more. One time I went to a “How to actually redeem the Horde” thread and overwhelming sentiment was… nothing. Alliance and NEs should get absolutely nothing for BFA :slight_smile:

I am guessing this is where most of the friction comes from.


That is not true… We mained Night Elved, but we had several alts of several races.

But for us, it wasn’t just the story. But also the community as a whole making light of it. Night Elf fans have been the punchline of every joke the last 2 expansions. From Campfire Teldrassil, to an incompetent Goddess. The community added insult to injury to every facet of being a Nelf player.

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