* Spoilers* Sylvanas dialogue redemption?

Frankly? Yes.

Sarcasm and snark aside, it’s clear the events from the game have had a negative impact on you, like most of us. But the bitterness is still there, still affecting you (which is reasonable). Yet here you are, still indulging in this bitterness, still affected. Or at least that is how it has looked all throughout here.

Take a break. Step away. For your own health and well being. Re-evaluate if this franchise is worth the time, if it only fills you with negativity.

Just make a choose where you choose yourself.

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Ugh… isn’t there a time wizard NPC over there at Darkshore you can talk to that takes you back before Teldrassil burned? I know there’s one for UC and I’ve been going back there all the time ever since it was blighted.


Yeah. Darkshore has the thing


Zidormi is my favorite character, only she can erase BFA.

I will never take Undercity for granted ever again.

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Again, I don’t play the game. I already stepped away. I am just waiting for my sub to run out. The game has nothing for me, all my friends quit, all the old Kaldorei guilds I interacted with quit. I made that decision barely less than 6 months ago and have not posted here in a couple months before today.

Again, I am not hurt by her words. I have been hearing it since BFA.

While I still do other things with the friends I made in WoW, I admit it is painful knowing that I will never be RPing my WOW OCs with them ever again, I will never plan and run another RP event with them every again. I will never run another raid or dungeon, or just screw around with dazzling rods until 3 in the morning with them ever again. I wont pretend that isn’t painful.

And this

and this

It tells me they think that is a big joke to them. And that is a reflection of their character.

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You already know all about my character so this should not be surprising to you.

No I am not surprised.

As Alysa said, Aki go touch some grass for your own sanity.


Imagine thinking I’m a horrible person because I found a sarcastic remark funny


I can be sad about something coming to an end… I am not crying that the sky is falling, it is just a reality of the situation, and I am comfortable with being sad about it. I am just point out that yall are d-cks lol.

It was meant to be funny, I absolutely did not say it without a lot of sarcasm.

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I’m not saying step away from the game. I’m saying step away from the franchise as a whole. The game itself upset you. The players and fans clearly upset you, even if Ren’s words don’t hurt.

If the game and the culture around it are having this affect on you, and that affect is negative? Step away. Value yourself. Don’t subject yourself to something you feel is so negative.

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With total disregard for what it means to the person you are saying it to. Which was the point I was making from the beginning.

… I think you are reading into this a bit to much. I am sad about the state of the game and the effect that has had on my virtual social life. I am not like… an ugly crying mess lol.

The relationships that made int his game were not fiction tho. You can’t just say “it’s fiction” because the experiences are real.

It is not about how I feel… It is about how my experience is irreparably changed because of the effect people like you have had on the community I was apart of.

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I’m not trying to be insensitive here but like, it’s fiction, If it makes you feel this upset you should probably walk away from tgis franchise for a bit.

This game makes us all feel all kinds if things. No one here is responsible for your feelings. Nor are your feelings the only valid feelings.


We’re all upset over something in wow. When the worgen first came out, I was called all sorts of nasty names

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You guys are not really understanding.

It is not about my feelings. It is not about being called names, I don’t care about it.

The point I am making is my experience with this game has irreparably changed since BFA, and yours has stayed the same. And both of you are partly responsible for that.

I’m not trying to imply you are.

I’m just observing your own words, your own statements that you are done with all of this, but still drawn here, to a place that you have stated is toxic and unkind to you (paraphrasing).

Why? Why do that to yourself when you could focus your time and energies on something you do enjoy?

Because I think what I have to say is important and people here should hear it and understand it. There is a whole community of people that is now gone, and people downplaying why that is is not right.

I mean, fair enough. If you think there is a benefit to telling people they’re horrible for trying to cope with humor, and they’re insensitive for not censoring their bad taste jokes for your feelings after you’ve called them terrible?

You do you, I guess.

My experience has also changed. They took a character I thought was a hero, turned her into a villian fir a hot minute and now they want to redeem her for her small stint as a villian.

Is she the Lich Queen?
Is she the chosen Avatar of Azeroth?

This narative feels like a fight between David Kosak and Alex Afrasabi before they both took a dump on the fans and left.