* Spoilers* Sylvanas dialogue redemption?

my druid was in Teldrassil logged out when it burn’t down, I logged in on the beach looking at the burnt tree. I think I personally deserve an apology from Blizzard for the burning of Teldrassil. I also had my Forsaken in Undercity and I logged in and was in Orgrimmar. I also choose Loyalist and was told I was absolutely wrong and called a terrible person by other fans for over a year. So if anyone deserves an apology from Blizzard, it’s me.


hugs Well, I know I’m sorry for being unduly hostile towards you after the whole burning happened. I was mad at the wrong people and for the wrong reasons. :wolf:

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Because she did betray Garithos(no matter how much he deserved it) and ruined the last best chance of the Alliance taking back capital city. Not to mention the whole experimentation to create a plague to wipe out the living/attempt to spread the worgen curse on all of humanity and half a dozen other reasons.

You know, living wood doesn’t burn super well. Being giant, alive and in the middle of the ocean, Teldrassil really shouldn’t have been all that flammable.

Really shows the Horde’s dedication to murdering innocent people with how swiftly they were able to ignite it.

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DEV: But, but we made your favorite characters n’stuff the main focus of an entire storyline! How can you NOT be happy about that!?


or the opposite is true, you know how irl we judge people for living at the base of volcanos because they may erupt. i feel the same way about Teldrassil. If you live in a tree you should probably constantly fear fire.

For all the wrong reasons tho >.<

they did us dirty though by having her betray us her Loyalists. i will never forgive the Devs of that.

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They ruined a great character just so they could jam Zooval down our throats. Not to mention retconning half of Wrath and WC 3 to make SL fit.

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You know it’s kind of difficult to light a tree on fire right? The flames need to be hot enough to vaporize the moisture before the wood can ignite. Forest fires typically happen as a balancing agent. Forests become taxing on the soil, and suffocates the potential for new growth. Resulting in an abnormally dry forests.

But a natural wildfire isn’t the same as a man made fire, caused by either negligence or intention.

It doesn’t make you seem like a better person when you say “Night Elves were asking to be lit on fire by living in a tree” knowing full well that fire was set by a stupid, wrathful individual acting as a puppet for evil handsome squidward.


Big tree go poof, pretty dead lady scream “Burn It!” :metal: Yass Queen.

Finger guns pew pew.

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Okay, that was unnecessary but made me laugh anyway :wolf:

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Yeah, pretty funny. Years of bonding with my friends going up in smoke. Thank you both for proving my point. Disgusting disregard for the feelings of other players.


You need a break.


You have a bit of a point. That joke seemed mean.


A break from what? A game I don’t play?

Do not misunderstand me, I am not hurt by her words. It is just a fantastic display of what I have been saying this entire thread.

Because it was. Teldrassil was how long ago and this joke still goes on? No wonder the nelf community left. A sexist corporation, with a sexist fanbase, who makes fun of people genuinely upset with the story, witnessing the destruction of more than a decade of memories.

Then when you call them out for being unfeeling they play the victim.

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Teldrassil being flammable was weird. It was a magic tree so giant its canopy hosted ecosystems… on top of that it had the blessing of both the green and red dragon flights, which it gained because both flights were impressed at the tenaciousness of the world tree in overcoming the corruption that plagued it since it was born into the world.

And the Horde somehow burnt it down with catapults.


Horde catapults melt magic trees.

They hated Alliance freedoms.

It’s just pent up years of the same argument about Sylvanas fans. I figured it went with the theme of the thread.

Those are attitudes we are stereotyped and accused of us as all having.

In poor taste? Maybe but I would hope we would eventually get to a point where we can laugh at ourselves for being “superfans”