* Spoilers* Sylvanas dialogue redemption?

IDK, you’d probably know that even if all you did was watch YouTube.

The problem is less the platform and more making a choice to ignore evidence in favor of a contradicting voice.

If anyone believes the media is telling you the truth on this or anything for that matter…well I…yeah that’s just sad

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I don’t watch youtube to convince me not to get an experimental drug. That is all my own choice but I understand it is an easy go to thing to say when you just want to talk down on someone you disagree with.

Also you don’t seem to be following the news much lately. Take a look at whats going on over in Australia and other places. This isn’t getting better and people’s liberties are being directly violated in the name of so called science and humanitarianism. I am being threatened to potentially lose my ability to travel, shop and visit many places people need for sustenance and just be able to enjoy life as normal because of power hungry politicians and their mandates.

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Lol ok. So facebook.

Problem is knuckleheads like you refuse medicine to prevent the disease and as soon as you get cough then you rush to the hospital where you tie up resources that could have helped someone in more greater need.

Believe what you want but if you get sick have the decency and stay home rather than going to the hospital. You made your bed now lay in it.

Yes because you don’t follow the law. See my driving example.
If you want to live in a society then you will abide by society’s rules. Grow up and be an adult.


I know I just joined the dogpile a minute ago. And I’m about to be a hypocrite.

But can we use the subforum of an escapist video game to not talk about politics and vaccines, and save our fighting for what really matters?

Like how liking the wrong character means I’m cruel person IRL?


Apparently we’re super evil people. Guess my friends and family forgot to tell me :wolf:

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Fact of the matter is, the vast majority of the world isn’t going to get sick or they’re getting a very mild case of Covid-19. But keep believing everything Fox News feeds you I guess.

Mandates aren’t laws, but the talking heads on whatever it is you watch sure seem to have convinced you otherwise. I also did not go to the hospital when I got it and in fact haven’t been to the hospital in over 20 years for anything. So yes, I did have the decency to stay home. So when is this vaccine supposed to prevent the disease because last I checked vaccinated people can still get covid and spread it, but I’m the knucklehead. Let me know how well the vaccine is preventing the spread of covid when everyone is 30 boosters in and muh variants have turned into a word game.

What exactly did I say that makes you think I watch fox news? What talking point was it?

The law is that private businesses have the freedom to serve who they want.

Good. Hopefully you stick to your word during the good times and the bad.

Just the fact you seem to believe everything the media is feeding you, and it was a broad statement.

What is the media?

“You believe everything the media tells you. You probably watch Fox News.”

Okay, and you probably watch CNN?

CNNs a joke, like all the other major networks


Because I’m sure you’ve been extra super duper careful with every possible potentially spreadable disease out there just as you have been with covid. Have you been social distancing and wearing a mask your entire life under the assumption that you MAY have or contract something that can spread to someone else and get them sick? Because that is what is going on with covid you know. They’re acting as if everyone has it or will most likely get it and spread it so they can overreact with their response to it. So you keep bowing down to authoritarianism and doing everything your tyrant overlords tell you to do. I’m sure they’ll make everything right if you just keep trusting how much they say they care about you.

Screw it. I tried, and as a Sylvanas fan I clearly have a broken moral compass. I’m’a join in.

Y’all know that whether you get the vaccine or not is entirely irrelevant, right? Covid is a hoax created by the lizard people to make us fight each other more so that when they come to eat us, we’ll be too distracted. The only thing stopping them are the Klaatuian aliens terraforming the environment to suit their needs and blaming it all on China.

You know this, right?


I am from Iran. Grew up there for many, many years and I still have family there that I visit time to time.
I think I would know an authoritative government more than you ever would kid.


In the US at least, any attempt you make to stay informed, you’re probably just consuming propaganda. Typically meant to force you into a red or blue voting box.

That’s why we have been repeating the same arguments for the same problems going on decades at a time.

I don’t think you can call the Chinese “Lizard people”

Obviously you don’t since you seem perfectly fine with governments violating human rights in the name of humanitarianism all over a virus with a more than 99% survival rate by the way. But like I said, let me know how life is going for ya when you’re 30 boosters in and need a reference book to keep up with the variants. :slight_smile:

Yep the American would know better than the Iranian how it is to be oppressed in one’s own country.
I mean I could get thrown in prison for saying the wrong thing or have religious adhering police walking the streets but damn… putting on a mask indoors to minimize chances of spreading a disease. Damn now that is tyranny.

If only I was privileged to have your privileged brain… my life would be so much easier.