* Spoilers* Sylvanas dialogue redemption?

I said I’m OKAY with it. Being mad over something that was never going to be changed is a waste of energy. If she does get redeemed. Great, everyone can move on from this dumpster fire of a expac

Its a human response though.
Its exactly what happened to Cyberpunk 2077.

People got promised a lot of things. Got disappointed by the result and now the company and its advocates pretend everything is perfect and the game is a masterpiece that was just a little poorly optimized.

Now after Blackfriday sale there are players playing the game giving it positive reviews and the developpers pat themselves on the back for their brilliance and vindication.
The irony is most of the reviews are “wasn’t what was promised but it was ok”

The consequence from this is probably that the next game or the updates are going to be the same bad content that just looks pretty with none of the promised features.

The whole BFA thing was kind of the same thing, they have been hinting and baiting vengeance and retribution but nothing has happened yet really but you got fans and the developers saying it did.
Both the NEs and the people still raging at CDPR just want what was promised.

No, it’s not great. It is the worst case scenario. Honestly, I hope people move on from this expac by just quitting the game and moving onto one of the many far superior MMOs out there.

I mean, I had a great guild too. I had countless friends. They are all gone, they all quit, all of them. The ones I am still in contact with, it is harder and harder to keep in touch with them, since I don’t see them as regularly as I used to.

And you know why that is? In one shape or another, they became disheartened with Blizz and the state of the game. Blizz treated the game like a dead horse that spits out money when you beat it, instead of something worth maintaining, worth building up, worth treating it like a beloved thing that people grew up with and shaped their love for fantasy.

I suppose it would be easier for me to be “Okay” with such a garbage outcome if all my friends were still in one place, instead of scattered to the MMO winds, playing ESO, New World, FFXIV and whatever else. Unfortunately, that is not my situation, because Blizz can’t respect their own creation anymore than they can respect their female employees.


if in BFA/Shadowlands we had the same quality of animations that Saurfang (the Horde) got to resolve their issues for the Alliance and Night Elves I think that would be a huge factor in resolving the dissatisfaction.

The Horde has to answer for their actions and so does Sylvanas… or maybe the Night Elves get to also kill a huge amount of Horde people and the Horde is also forced to choose renewal like the Alliance is forced to.

Too bad we lost big opportunities like the Tyrande vs Sylvanas fight where we failed to see Sylvanas get her butt whopped or Tides of Vengeance being essentially another Horde success story. All these events did was piss off more people than trying to rebuild burnt bridges.

This game is slowly dying. Blizzard needs to invest good money to bring it back to where it used to be.


And you typed the word “or” with the intent for people to… Not read it?

It’s okay. I get it. You’re embarrassed and can’t admit your failings. My sympathy for you has been invoked, and I’ll stop bullying you.

I think storywise, I think anyone can have an opinion and want things to happen, without taking it personally.

The personal attacks on Sylvanas fans for liking a character that explores darker themes and making personal judgements is what really bothers me. But I have learned I can just close the browser tab and walk away from the forums for a few days.


The use of the word “or” is just to link alternatives, it doesn’t undo the preestablished context.

“At this point” meaning NOW, at this point and time, in this state of the lore. “If you are Sylvanas fan” Again, prefaced by “At this point” meaning “Sylavans fan at this point and time, in this state of the lore” - “OR” - Linking the alternative of “A fan of the current story” once again prefaced by “at this point”

So what I typed is what I intended, you fail to understand what “Or” means.

It is personal when it targets and singles out one particular fanbase, that is stuck without resolution or closure, and instead is left with a "“Justice is bad” moral to chew on, while their abuser goes on to redeem or justify her actions.

No one is “taking it personally”
It is personal.

Truthfully? I don’t get the If you like sylvanas than your a disgusting evil person IRL and you sacrifice babies mentality some people seem to have.

Like…you can like a character and realize the current story isn’t the greatest and a lot of it is hamfisted nonsense.


Why though? Did sylvanas do something to you personally? Do you think she’s a real person who can hurt you?

The story is awful because it’s being written around characters (Sylvanas and Anduin) who have been turned into crap, and the ‘hamfist’ has been squeezing their crap-juices out onto everything else, turning the entire expansion stanky.

Now, that’s not the characters’ fault, it’s the writers’, but the result is still garbage.


That is correct.

And that statement, which you we both can agree is your intended statement, is not linking seperate alternatives, which is what the word “or” would be used for. It’s combining two statements into a singular statement.

“Fan of Sylvanas or the story” means “the story” and “Sylvanas” are both alternatives. Not a singular state.

I am a fan of Sylvanas. I’m not a fan of the current story involving Sylvanas. I would qualify as “a fan of Sylvanas, or the current story”.

Let me make it simple for you. If I say “At present, I can give you $20 or a slap in the face”, I am not suggesting I will both give you $20 and a slap in the face. I’m “linking alternatives”.

This English language was provided free of charge. You don’t need to admit you were wrong; I know that will be too difficult for you.


Before BFA, I had one of the most active Kaldorei RP guilds on the server. Now every Kaldorei guild that existed at that time is gone.

As a direct result of Blizzard’s mishandling of their own game and corporate culture/environment, I have lost contact with several of my friends, and it has been more difficult to maintain the online relationships that I still have.

Have I fallen into a deep depression as a result? No… Is it upsetting? And was the Kaldorei community uniquely effected this way? Yes.


Which is my point. Nobody is happy with how the story is going so far. It’s terrible. I wish they would’ve gone a different route. But it’s too late for that now

Yeah, it is too late… but it is a little more too late for me than it is for you. You who still has a network of friends and safe space that exists in the game, that you can retreat into. All of that is gone for me.

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For that, I’m sorry I truly am.

At this point, they’re going to do what they’re going to do. It’s scripted and baked in. My frustration with this storyline is that they didn’t walk into this blind. They had the experience of Cata and MoP - they knew what the player frustrations were with those storylines, and yet they chose to repeat the very same story beats that ticked everyone off the last time with so far no better plan to avoid alienating the players than they did the last time.

They turned the Horde evil again without a decent plan to allow Horde players to still feel good about their faction choice. They opened up BfA with another gigantic smackdown of the Alliance by the Horde with, so far, no apparent way to give reasonable closure to that for Alliance players. And, frankly, they can’t give Alliance players reasonable closure at this point without alienating Horde players who are already ticked at being forced to be villains again. It is the same exact corner that they wrote themselves into with MoP.

And yet, they seem to have learned exactly, nothing. That’s my frustration.


It is what it is. I knew it was going to happen eventually… I won’t deny that those relationships are important to me, and with the cooling weather, my seasonal depression has made me a little bit more sentimental about it than I am normally.

But it is annoying to me when people say “Hey, don’t take it personally” when there is a whole community of people that is no longer present, because the current story caused a mass exodus.

“Don’t take it personally that I enjoy the very thing that brought an end to several years of bonding you have had with your friends”

Or when people say “I am okay with this thing that brought an end to several years of bonding you have had with your friends, because that hasn’t ended for me yet.”

And my favorite “Night Elves got to save souls from the maw. Night Elves got a resolution from Elune.” When the nelf community isn’t even around anymore.

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I can say that I don’t actually kick puppies or kittens despite the fact that everyone on Twitter thinks Sylvanas fans do.

Being called an “edgelord” by Thadeus makes me laugh. I’m a fem cis het e-girl. Yellow is my favorite colour and when I’m not playing WoW I’m building houses in The Sims 4.


They don’t force me to drive and do not threaten me for choosing not to. Also a red light and seat belts are not an experimental drug.

No one threatened you or dragged you to a clinic to get vaccinated.
Just as they don’t to force you drive.
And if you followed actual news rather than youtube you would know its no longer experimental.

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