* Spoilers* Sylvanas dialogue redemption?

Context also matters. I prefaced my statement with “at this point” established the context of my statement to be a reflection of “this point in time”

Look, we all make mistakes. Just apologize for misunderstanding and we can move on.

Just because something it being referenced doesn’t mean it is relevant to current events. Her previous iteration conflicts with her current self. Therefore it is irrelevant, regardless whatever weaponized intertextuality you want to hinge your argument on.

Not a wild assumption, but an observation I have made over several long conversations.

It’s gross. Is the the kind of thing Danuser probably drafted up getting blown by a nonconsenting intern in the cosby suite.

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I don’t have the energy nor care to be angry about it anymore. I just want it over with it.

And that’s why injustice exists folks.


That end bit is over the top Hyperbolic. He might be a questionable storyteller, but as a person he seems pretty a good guy. All the people associated with that gross Cosby Suite nonsense were let go.

Lets not attack the writer and focus on the story, yea?

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Yeah, I don’t think so. There was just enough plausible deniability for him to get away with it.

When our complaints fell on deaf years for the last 2+ yrs, you honestly expect me to care at this point? They’re aren’t and haven’t listened to a damn thing we been saying

Then why are you here?

You did. You still used the word “or” and still don’t seem to understand what it means.

You certainly do. You could have clarified you did not intend to use the word or, that you didn’t mean to say “if you’re a fan of Sylvanas, you’re a terrible person” and instead meant to only talk about the current hypothetical story arc.

But you did not. Rather than owning your mistake, you’ve backpeddled and doubled down.

All she’s doing in those voice lines is talking about her history. That history would absolutely be relevant to her discussing it.

Everything else is speculation and assumptions on your part. There’s more evidence that Sylvanas will face judgment, given there’s a whole epilogue story chapter called such and after the Jailer’s defeat, she’s the only character around with a judgment to face.

Question is, why are YOU here if you’re so miserable? If the story sucks that much, quit

But then were would they vent their Very Self Righteous anger?

Yes, I did. So you misunderstood what I had written.

The use of the word “or” was appropriate. It does not change the meaning of what I intended.

But it is not relevant to the current iteration of her character, in fact, that history conflicts with her current character.

It is just weaponized intertextuality. Blizzard going “Member when this character was actually good?”

But it has nothing to do with her at this point.

I haven’t played WoW in months. It is just amazing to me the lies people are willing to tell themselves to remain hopeful. “I just want it over with” as if its going to get better. It’s not.

She said she was done with WoW, earlier.

People seen to have a hard time grasping that you can play game for different reasons while hating the story. I got a great guild, awesome friends and my girlfriend is the best.

Doesn’t mean I loose the right to complain because I like aspects of the game or story someone else doesn’t.

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Not really. You just clearly typed something other than what you now claim you intended to type.

That’s still on you.

Correct. But it does change the meaning of what you actually typed.

But it is.

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Well yeah… but then why are they on here? All they seem to want to do is make people as disgruntled as they are.

It is a theme I have found with Night elf posters. It really makes it awkward trying to debate in good faith as a night elf fan when they are reinforcing stereotypes within the community.

I typed exactly what I intended… You just misread it.

That’s on you.

No, it does not.


I have never liked Sylvanas or the Forsaken. Not their story, certainly not their aesthetics. I’ve played a Forsaken just enough to complete Tirisfal Glades and most of Silverpine Forest questing before losing interest and deleting them. Her/Their narrative took a nose-dive during Cata and has just kept finding exciting new ways to sink further, dragging everything else down with it, to the point the game is literally taking place in Hell.

The only positive thing I have to say about her is that she’s popular with other people.

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Not what is going on here when I am addressing something you said about the story specifically here on the story forums…

When you are talking to Ren you like the story, when you are talking to me you hate it lol.

Next time if you intend for people not to read words? Don’t type them.

It will solve so many issues you seem to regularly deal with.


I typed “At this point” with the intent for people to read it. You did not read it, thus resulting in the miscommunication.

Still on you. I understand tying to save face, but you are just looking foolish.