* Spoilers* Sylvanas dialogue redemption?

Lol, persecution complex.

Nah, I have moved on from WoW. It’s not the same game, it’s not the same franchise. I am not going to support a sexist company, and I am not the only one who has made that choice. The Night Elf community has all left, but I suppose we all have such a complex huh? Lol.

Or he knew and all he did was trying to give her free will back.

What would you call it when someone has to create a narrative that being a fan of a character whose history was established long before the current story must somehow make that person a fan of the current story, in spite of said person having a long history over the last three to four years of expressing their disgust over said story?

Yes. A persecution complex. When you take one single fact and create a narrative that someone liking a character must therefore have a gross disregard for the feelings of others, you’re definitely creating a scenario, just to feel persecuted.

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Her history doesn’t matter anymore. The last two expansions have undone that. If you are a Sylvanas fan in the current narrative, you have a complete disregard for other people within the fandom. That is just the matter of fact truth of the matter.

And I am not the only one who thinks so. If you want to believe the near whole night elf community all have a collective persecution complex… I mean, sure, you can believe that, but the simpler solution is maybe you are the problem.

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You should do you of course, but I want to point out that a vast swath of the wider entertainment industry has similar issues. So, I hope you are not playing any games, or watching any shows. .-.

Honestly this is a cultural level issue, so acting like Blizzard is somehow shockingly out of the norms is weird to me. We just have historically turned a blind eye to it when it didnt impact us directly.


I am not playing any games or watching any shows that treat female characters as plot devices for male characters, or have Cosby Suites. Maybe that isn’t enough but it’s better than those actively supporting Blizz right now.

Good save, now adding a conditional to your statement. I mean, you could have done that in the beginning instead of making blanket statements, but here we are.

Sure it does. Without that history, she would have as many fans as, say, Zovaal himself. It is her history that gave her characters any fans, and in spite of the current writing team doing their best to retcon it all away, it won’t retroactively change people’s feelings for the character they knew since WCIII.

As mentioned before, Vader has fans. A substantial number of those fans hate the Anakin portrayal from the prequels. Should they have stopped being fans of the character just because three bad movies turned the bad mofo into a whiny brat?


After the last year in this forum, I am ready for it. It’s their swan song.


That is literally what I said in my original post. Good job reading.

Not when the current narrative makes it irrelevant.

Hopefully they’ll go away afterwards :wolf:

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They won’t go away, they will go back to hating Jaina.

Good job remembering your own words.

You know those voice lines that are upsetting you so much?

They’re talking about that history. Hardly irrelevant when the thing upsetting you hinges on it.

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War Criminals do not deserve redemption.

Being gaslighted into believing perusing justice against your abuser is a bad thing is not a good. Kaldorei deserve Sylvanas’ head.

I guess you have me absolutely figured out. Congrats /s.

“This storyline”

I know reading is hard, and I do have low expectations of you, but you gotta try a little bit harder, alright champ?

What? her history is made irrelevant by the current story. So of course is it upsetting at how tone deaf those voice lines are…

You are not hard to figure out.

[quote=“Akiyass-moon-guard, post:396, topic:1144391”] Kaldorei deserve Sylvanas’ head.

So do the worgen for what she did in Gilneas. But here we are. Neither fan base happy and bickering with each other.

You are the one saying Sylvanas deserves redemption.

You definitely do, because you seem to have trouble knowing the word “or” exists and what it means, even while using it.

It’s okay. Backpeddle away.

Except it isn’t. You keep saying that, but you have not once shown it. Of course her history is relevant in the current story, because that history is what the voice lines are referencing. Are you just too thick to understand that?

Tell, don’t show. Are you secretly Danuser?

You really like to make wild assumptions about people to fit your internal prejudices, don’t you?


I dunno why people are saying she is getting redemption. We have no proof for that. Only very out of context datamined lines that people are reading their own biases into.

All context clues we have are that Sylvanas is getting judgement from Arbiter Pelagos in the Epilogue of 9.2, which is literally titled “Epilogue: Judgement”. Could they send her somewhere nice? Possibly. I don’t think she is going to be leaving the Shadowlands, at any rate.


I’m really more for kicking the forsakens teeth in to be honest. That would be plenty good for me. As far as Sylvanas goes, I’m okay with it. It’s a little hamfisted how they’re going about it. But whatever. :wolf: