* Spoilers* Sylvanas dialogue redemption?

IIRC, Garrosh wanted oceanic access, which Sylvanas got in Silverpine. Before Gilneas, Garrosh was putting her clever mouth in check for going too far, and Sylvanas just went all war criminal anyway.

Blaming Sylvanas’s extremes on Garrosh is like blaming the bill collector for the guy robbing a bank to pay those bills.

I love Sylvanas too, but this trend of pushing the responsibilities of her actions off on others because a voice line implies she might have been influenced by Zovaal is… Questionable.


If you think it should be deleted then don’t post it.

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I was blaming Garrosh for forcing her and the forsaken to invade in the first place. Not for what she did afterwards. Probably should’ve clarified that :wolf:


To be fair, there’s been times where I posted things out of anger and than deleted it to avoid trouble

I realize it after I post it that it’s garbage.

I doubt many of your posts are garbage. I want people to be more confident in themselves and to be able to grow from their actions. Even if you make a post which you later disagree with or were wrong about, clarifications can be made instead of having people be confused about something because a post was deleted. Trust in yourself.


Even if you are blaming Garrosh on forcing her to do the invasion… he didn’t really force her to be so grotesquely brutal about it. Even he was horrified by her actions.
She could have pulled a Taurajo like Alliance did. Let the civilian escape and leave them alone afterwards. Instead, she didn’t do that and then started to hunt them down.

I’m not dismissing what she did afterwards. Don’t know why you think I am

You seemed pretty dismissive here. That is why I raised the issue.
If she had no interest then why was she so brutal about it?

No idea. :wolf:

At this point, I feel like if one is a fan of Sylvanas or this storyline, then one not only has bad taste, but also a gross disregard for the feelings of other fans within the fandom.

Maybe this might help.

I’m a fan of Darth Vader. Being a fan of Vader doesn’t mean I think he’s a good, wholesome character who did nothing wrong.

I’m also a fan of Magneto, who has gone on and committed mass murder in the name of blatantly racist views towards humans.

I’m a fan of Sylvanas. I like her character arc, how she fell down the same hole of darkness as Arthas, how she is ruthlessly evil but also charismatic. I can be a fan of Sylvanas while acknowledging she is at the very best of times a troubled character, but most times a horrible person in a video game that needs to meet justice. Because I like flawed characters who are given multiple chances to see the light, but still justify to themselves turning back to the darkness. I like characters who just don’t seem to get it, and I like seeing how their stories play out.

Blanket assumptions of other players based on which NPCs they may like is an ugly look.


The difference here is those two characters are not used to glorify genocide, isolating one specific subgroup within the fandom. Darth Vader might come close, but he is never portrayed as a good guy. No one is making claims that he is a good guy, or that the story should somehow turn around and justify his actions.

Darth Vader’s redemption only works because he died, and his decision to betray the Emperor came last minute in a moment of extreme emotion. Up until that point he was a totally irredeemable villain, which the story made zero effort to try and hold up and make nuance or “morally grey”

What we are seeing with the WoW narrative right now is Night Elves once again severing a plot device for everyone except themselves. The fandom suffering loss and tragedy with zero payoff or resolution.

If you are a Sylvanas fan at this point in the story… You’re just not a nice person.


Neither is Sylvanas.

Horde players are regularly told by their other heroes that Sylvanas is evil. Thrall told us, Garrosh told us, Saurfang told us, Baine told us, Vol’jin told us. During BfA, everyone told us. Even now, she’s been portrayed strictly as an antagonist; working directly for the Big Bad, standing next to him in most cinematics he’s shown in. Nothing in the game is actually portraying her as anything but a villain to the core.

The best you’ve got here are some context-removed voice lines.

Pretending that Sylvanas is used to “glorify genocide” is just so entirely out of touch with reality.


That… is horrible.


Read the first post of this thread.

What is out of touch with reality is ignoring the fact that the devs outright said “We are telling a morally grey story” and opened the door with GENOCIDE.

I did, and addressed it.

If you want to ignore all the writing on the wall, that is on you. Even WHEN she is exonerated at the end of this expansion, you’ll tell yourself whatever you need to hear to believe this was good story telling, and is in no way unfair to night elf fans.

Not even a little, but if that helps feed your persecution complex, you’re welcome to believe it.