* Spoilers* Sylvanas dialogue redemption?

“Kill Sylvanas.” threads get hundreds of likes, but so do comments complaining about the potential new gender options.


A lot of people like ice cream but a lot of people also like to commit crimes.


It’s just weird that the Kill the popular female character threads gets a ton of likes, but if someone mentions offing Anduin, these same people freak the hell out.

Might just be me seeing a pattern there :wolf:


Because she literally burned kids alive to empower her master whom she apparently does not serve. Why are people like this? Just because the criminal is cute/hot somehow they get a pass?

Reminds me of that young man who ran over a mother and child by racing in the street but somehow because he was “cute” all these young fans on tik tok started protesting for him. Saying like it was a miscarriage of justice and harassed the victim’s family.


I shouldn’t have stirred the pot with that comment.

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I just find it curious is all, and as far Smallioz is concerned, these people have clamoring for sylvanas’ death for years now. Long before BfA was a thing, this isn’t something new

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Just like Ted Bundy.

Going to delete the post like several others you’ve gotten rid of?


Yes because of what she did in Andorhal, Gilneas, Hillsbrad and southshore to name a few.
We just never went into explicit women and kids being set on fire on purpose.

Plenty of people (on the Horde side) want to kill Jaina, Genn, Tyrande, Malfurion and many others. This ain’t new.


It will stay.

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I blame Garrosh for Gilneas. Sylvanas clearly had no interest in invading the place until he made her do it for his own greedy reasons. But that’s a seperate topic


Garrosh specifically told her to not use the blight or raise human dead as undead forsaken.
Garrosh did not force Sylvanas to kill civilians and turn them undead against their will. If you recall the Worgen curse was given to the humans to avoid being turned undead. This was before Blizzard realized being turned undead against your will is bad.

Why is it so hard for people to have Sylvanas take responsibility for her actions?


Given the new lore…she might not have been entirely making those decisions herself. Sucks, but that’s the lore we’re stuck with.

We were discussing for why people have been calling for Sylvanas for a long time now.
I think now we can agree there is a perfectly good explanation.

She was and is a horrible, horrible person who caused untold suffering upon other people for the sole reason of furthering her own personal goals.

Firstly this is not true. We have talked about this specific voice like 3 times now and the voicelines in question are Sylvanas being under direct mind control of Arthas. The current story with the ridiculous Split Soul plot is not even trying to say that Uther had no free will or agency. He assumes responsibility for all his actions.

Secondly even if it was true an audience that has seen this current evil version of sylvanas are going to be hard to convince after over a decade of Sylvanas in the game and other media having self awareness and free will.

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Well there two datamined sets of voice lines. We know one is clearly about Arthas, the second might be referring to Zooval.

It wouldn’t be the first time that Blizzard is incapable of keeping the story consistent for even one patch to another. :rofl:

Anyway glad we can resolve the “people are sexist towards Sylvanas” myth

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That’s a statement we can both agree on at least :smiley:

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Just that one? Sigh…

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Take your victories where you can get them is my philosophy


Stupid conclusion. So, if Sylvanas did not have free will, then all these seventeen (or less?) years, Nathanos in some way loved the Jailer?

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I say a lot of stuff that deserves to get deleted. Many people notice that I delete stuff, and confront me about it. It’s my right to do that.