* Spoilers* Sylvanas dialogue redemption?

Sure, just like how Trump got it…

X to doubt.

Do you call everyone you don’t like a tyrant?

It is a sylvanas thread. They should be closed on creation imo.

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Well, no, if something is okay, you don’t need forgiveness.

Of course you won’t. But you’ll gladly stereotype me after going through my posting history to assume I’m a shill.

Question everything everybody! :partying_face::relieved::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Do you question all the “anti-vaxx research”? Or do you simply obey what people like Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson say?

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You think I give a crap about trump? :rofl: He’s all for the vaccine. I’m not. Also the great thing about truth is that its still truth whether you believe it or not.

I wouldn’t call Anti-vaxx material “truth” tbh. Keep living in your alternative reality.


I question everything and don’t rely on any talking heads on the TV to instill narratives in me.

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Yeah I strongly doubt that.

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I was referring to me saying I got covid and you doubting that I did… duh?

Keep doubting.

No. Just the people who think I’m a bad guy for simply existing because I won’t get a medical procedure.

Any pronoun used to refer to one person.

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In English, the pronoun “they” can be used to refer to someone if you don’t know their gender.


Are you transphobic Shern?

I do not know. I have not met a single person who changed sex. Is a theoretical response good for determining propensity?

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Yes thank you.

Is this a formal politeness or an agreement to a theoretical reaction?

Okay … I can get used to this.
How do you distinguish “they” in the singular from “they” in the plural?

I don’t know a good way to answer that. You distinguish using context. If someone uses “they” to talk about one person, it’s singular.


“It” is used for inanimate - animals, objects, phenomena?


You are mostly correct, but animals are animate, and you can sometimes use “he” or “she,” for an animal, if you have a personal relationship with the animal.

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It can also be used if you do know their gender.

Such as asking the question

“Where are they?” when you are waiting for someone. Regardless if it is just the one person or multiple.

The context mainly.