* Spoilers* Sylvanas dialogue redemption?

They’re a troll Renautus we know this lol

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I will ask you to use a singular number. I am alone, no they.

Maw is a prison and every prisoner want to escape. He will also try to make sure that he will never go to prison again.

That doesn’t explain what he was doing before hand or what he said to convince Devos of all people that Kyrestia was unjust to him.

For Devos i agree. It would be better if she was working for the Jailer from the start.
They didn’t hint anything like that but in retrospect Kyrestias reaction when Uther was presented to her wasn’t a surprise maybe Devos was working for the Jailer from the start.

You’re probably right. To clarify, I don’t think the first set of dialogue, the one of just Sylvanas talking, is connected to the second set of multiple people talking. Wowhead split that first set of dialogue in two, I assume because the transcription error of “Forgive him?” instead of “Forgiven,” changed how the grammar worked.

Oh, good point. I’d like something like that, I really enjoyed the Stratholme flashback mix-up with Uther. There was something I found delightfully creepy about Faol interrupting the Purge with elements of the paladin oath.

Oh thanks, good catch, I missed that one because of them being homophones.

Oh, nice idea, seeing that first-hand rather than leaving it offscreen between the cinematics? There’s some good potential for angst there, I love it. Having such a recent and obvious display would also work nicely against any potential downplaying of Sylvanas’ actions by the characters, so I’d be in favor of it for that reason as well. Most of us players don’t need that since Teldrassil still looms large for us, but that would be a nice reminder for any newer players, since Shadowlands itself hasn’t done much to show how bad Sylvanas’ actions are, just telling us.

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Do you meam pronoun? Lol

What are your pronouns Shern? Are you a He/Him, She/Her or They/Them?

Aww are you single Shern.

Of the things they’ve used before it’s the best vehicle for the internal dialog the story needs. We have 2 repeat events in the immediate arc for it: Arrow at Arthas to arrow at Zovaal. Arthas Dominates Sylvanas to Sylvanas Dominates Anduin.

I do have reservations about how it’s landed. Those are not minor.

If this turns out broadly intended, applying to both events (I think it’s likely to), it’s going to apply a modifier to “potential downplaying of Sylvanas’ actions by the characters”.
I think there have been breadcrumbs this Xpac that Sylvanas has not been in a state of true and total freewill for awhile. (And indeed, the story objects otherwise lock us into predestination, so, freewill is a lie as the story stands right now.)

If she was subverted into actions, it is not appropriate to blame her for those things compelled by someone controlling her, however invisible the strings might have been.

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I completely understand, I have quite a few of my own.

I hope not. I’d rather it be a bait-and-switch sort of situation in that case, where Sylvanas starts to apply that statement to the Jailer and Arthas at the same time, and then has the same realization that Uther had, that these events are not one and the same.

I agree to an extent, but I don’t think it will turn out that she’s been directly mind controlled. I think, if anything, it will turn out that she’s been coerced and manipulated and influenced (her deal with the Val’kyr looks super suspicious now), but still had control of her own actions, though perhaps not in a good state of mental clarity. It’d hardly be the first time that something like that happened in Warcraft lore, that’s basically the primary modus operandi of the Nathrezim. I think that would better reflect the power dynamic between her and Zovaal, (because as much as she pretended otherwise, they were never equal partners), while still making it clear that she still has to answer for her own choices. There are plenty of sinstones in Revendreth that tell of individuals in similar situations.

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It’s not racist. Those tweets were after the U.S. election in 2016, and most of the Trump voters were white. Also, she made those tweets before she was hired to write Shadow’s Rising, and people dug them up.

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I think Arthas is going to perma-die, but it’s not as if Sylvanas will get to kill him. Uther would not want them The trope seems to be “Bad guys do the dirty work.”

Hey thats me! Wait… I think thats me, right? Yea pretty sure you’re referring to me there. Well nothing says civil discussion like stereotyping someone for making a personal health choice for their own body. Let me know when that precious vaccine of yours prevents getting the disease and spreading it. I’m not interested in something that comes with continuous boosters and obedience to tyrants who keep doubling down on mandates because of muh variants especially when it doesn’t even prevent me from getting it let alone spreading it. So until that vaccine offers something more than it currently does I don’t see how me choosing not to get it is in any way a hindrance to returning to normality or a problem for anyone who is vaccinated. I assume the risk of not getting it just as those who got it assumed the risk of getting it.

Buuuuuuuut… since this isn’t a discussion about people being allowed to make their own personal health decisions lets move on to the other thing you called me: a Blizzard shill. :rofl: Well you clearly didn’t go through enough of my posting history because if you did you would have come to the conclusion that I am in fact not a Blizzard shill. gasp! shocker! Yea I’ve been super critical of Blizzard, especially with the unnecessary removal of many jokes/flirts etc. that came with 9.2. I’ve even said Sylvanas’ story needed to be told more clearly within the game to clear up a lot of confusion about it. Other than that, I do find it very irrational when people say things like the treatment of the night elves was somehow linked to the lawsuit. Is it possible? I… guess? But it seems highly unlikely and something I do not believe at all. That is a very emotionally driven thing to say given the only “proof” anyone can provide for such a claim is their personal perception of the story’s quality. Just because you think the story is bad doesn’t mean it has anything to do with anything going on in real life. So anyway, I’m sorry you think I’m a shill. Far from it. In fact I think its never good to be one because it often requires ignoring facts even when they are right there before you.

The vaccine does help LESSEN the spread.


That’s not how writing a story works. A writer’s values sink into it, even if by accident sometimes.

Right… but you do realize how irrational it is to compare the story of the night elves lately to such a thing? I mean do you want to go through the entire WoW story which is filled with tragedy and try to make the same link? Its a story about war. I would assume everyone who worked on WoW’s story probably doesn’t like real life war, don’t you think?

Then you can join the rest of your fellow anti-vaxxers in hospital on ventilators. How many news stories are there about an anti-vaxxer dying to covid in a given week?

The irony is that by not getting it, you are actually making reaching the % vaccinated mandates take longer. So you are stuck under those “tyrants” thumbs for far longer than you need to be.


I already got covid several months back. Didn’t go to the hospital. Didn’t need to. I felt like crap for about a week and couldn’t taste food for a few days, but thats about it. So I guess I won’t be joining anyone in a hospital, will I? :slight_smile:

I’m thinking whether I get the vaccine or not won’t really matter how the political tyrants deal with it… because muh variants.

Care to stay on subject now or do you want to keep derailing this thread into something else and getting it closed? I was simply responding to someone above who “I assume” mentioned me about it.

I ain’t reading all that. I’m happy for you. Or sorry it happened. Lmao

Get vaccinated everyone :partying_face::relieved::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I got my booster shot this week.


No way! No matter how ‘logical’ they could write it to seem, allowing Sylvanas to be ‘redeemed’, ‘forgiven’ and have any place of freedom in Azeroth would be tantamount to saying genocide’s ok. If Sylvanas returns to Azeroth, and Tyrande doesn’t get her head, there is absolutely no way the night elves would accept peace with the Horde or support the Alliance. Which is inconceivable unless blizz wants to make a third faction. They don’t as far as we know.

What is instead far more likely is that Sylvanas will pull something like a Bolvar and/or an Illidan. She may continue to ‘exist’ - even be ‘redeemed’ - but she belongs in the afterlife now, one way or another.