So the devs are intentionally lying to us in the dungeon journal?
People didn’t return this time.
That’s the problem.
It’s been another WoD type exodus.
Everything has lined up to him being right in some way. Everyone in the SL that is in power has a blind adherence to “the path” etc. He said “hey guys you and I both see it’s broken and unfair, so let’s fix it” “Ok if you won’t I will” “Well wow thanks for shoving me into the maw for trying to do what’s right, but when I come back I’ll still fix things, but don’t expect me to be nice”
We don’t need to exact information right now to actually start to question things and wonder if he might be right. HOPEFULLY 9.2 gives us that last piece though unless they don’t stick the landing due to time constraints now.
Considering SL sold 3.5 million copies. that says otherwise
Except it isnt he considers it unjust. He just does not like it because everyone isnt his obediant slave. He is throwing a tantrum and trying to convert all of reality into an endless plane of torment where everyone obeys him unquestioningly as a result.
That really seems to be all there is to it.
Is this real life copium I am witnessing right now? I thought it was a meme.
As a Vanilla player, nothing in the game even touches the loss of Teld and UC, because nothing before even came close to that scale. Theramore? Great lore location, but in-game it was an Alliance quest hub. It wasn’t a capital city, it wasn’t the entire night elf starting experience.
As a vanilla player, whose first character was a nelf priest (Star Shards, pew pew!), Teldrassil mattered to me. It was a place of noobie memories, trying to find my way out of a damn furbolg tunnel. Wait, before that. God damn so many bannable words spider cave. And those bog men. And harpies. And then that quest. Going to Darnassus for the first time. That music change, that visual.
No loss in WoW can compare to that feeling of loss associated with things like that. And while I’m speaking for only myself, I have no doubt night elf fans across the expansions had similar feelings, similar experiences.
Watching all of that burn down, even if that nelf priest quickly got soon replaced for a troll hunter (later a nelf hunter), hurt. Pretending others didn’t feel a similar pain and quit over it is just naive.
Nothing in that says what you said. Try again. Much less it says “he can” not “he will” and it all depends on whose perspective it was written from. Typically the dungeon journal is a match up of our perspective and someone slightly omniscient so as to not give away more information than needed. The one you’re showing is definitely from ours and ours is most likely flawed.
This is pathetic lol
Micah you know there’s been a mass exodus.
People buying the expansion is proportionate to the hope we all had, to the belief xpacs are “tick tocks”, good-bad cycles.
They didn’t stick around. This is seen in the language for MAUs the quarterly reports used, the income gains from Blizzard for Activision, and the meta data from raiding and mythic dungeon and more confirms there’s been a mass exodus.
If that.
We likely won’t know what he told devos or Sylvanas either lol
Yeah it is pathetic that you can’t follow a story made for teens
Or, and hear me out here: the story is dogturd simplistic and told in the most needlessly grating, drawn out manner possible by people who had nothing to do with the original characters and storylines. The only exception here is Afrasiabi, who was dogturd tier writing in spite of being there for a long time.
Sure kid. Lemme know when the final piece in the alleged master plan is revealed.
Won’t hold my breath tho.
The only thing we can say for him is he seems to be a smooth talker when he has to be. Shame we dont see him actually use those skills on screen.
I honestly see Zovaal as a means to an end. They don’t particularly see him as more than a throw away guy to facilitate their “next era” of Warcraft. Hence the reason he has the personality of unbuttered toast.
So you are arguing semantics and saying that the dungeon journal is an unreliable narrator…
Ok. you know I have a question for you.
How many quests. How many books. How many cinematics do I have to sit throught to get the picture? Not the full picture mind you. Just an idea of what the heck is going on.
There are contradictions everywhere. Unreliable narrators are lining the horizon that apparently even my damn Dungeon Journal cannot be trusted to get reliable information.
This is absolutely insane. Is this an MMO or a puzzle game?
Lol but remember we’re in the last chapter of a world of warcraft saga whose threads are rooted in WC’s Arthas story and has been the through line since allegedly Legion.
Meanwhile here we are. God this sucks.
The master plan already was. You might have been holding your breath too long that you can’t see it.
You should have already gotten the picture from just what SL shows you. If you didn’t, that’s on you. Maybe Cat in the Hat or Hello Kitty Island Adventure is on par with your ability.
Do you have some more of that copium to share?
I can say at least within itself 9.2 They have shown has been enjoyable so far. But it would admittedly not take a lot to top 9.1
I am interested to see where they are going. Rather or not that is the sort of morbid curiosity that makes you want to stare at a car wreck or not I am still unsure of. But either way.