* Spoilers* Sylvanas dialogue redemption?

It… was the jailer all along. That was the point. How it all happened is the substance of the story. Also welcome to world of warcraft, where named characters being destroyed and tragedies to large amounts of people do in fact play a role in the story.

I mean, am I like one of the only people here that has played this game for more than a year or so? lol This game’s story goes back 20+ years. If you think what happened at Teldrassil was bad then good grief don’t go back and experience the rest of WoW’s story. You’ll lose your freaking mind when you find out all the things the burning legion and gul’dan’s horde did.

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I’m glad you like it, but it’s all a joke to me. Most of the characters aren’t even recognizable at this point. Foundational setting elements like deities are minimized or wholesale changed to make way for Superdevil and friends, but with more technology!


This might be why you think the story is so swell.

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Did you literally just edit my quote to make it sound like I said something I didn’t? Because this is my original quote:

Notice how I said more. Soo… I’m guessing report your post and move on or do you care to explain?

How dare you sir. I would do no such thing.
The evidence speaks for itself. I rest my case.

How dare I indeed. Why does your quote of my reply say something I literally did not say?

You can rest your case with the forum mods.

Idk, it looks exactly as I quoted it. I find it curious that you refer back to old information to verify new ones.
If only you applied that logic to the story you claim to follow :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not patronizing when it’s factual. Your interpretation of it being patronizing, however, gives credence to your inability to have a discussion when confronted with facts. There is absolutely no reason to say the line about the blade to follow with something in the same breath that has nothing to do with it. You are wrong and just grasping and now you’re the one being offensive by suggesting someone is offensive because you don’t like getting your argument torn down. The offensive one is you, not me at this point. Post something again suggesting I’m the one being offensive and you’re only furthering my point.

No, it doesn’t. You lied and misquoted me. I never said what you quoted me as saying.

Evidence as proof:

Did you literally just edit my quote to make it sound like I said something I didn’t? Because this is my original quote:

You replaced the word “more” that I originally typed with “just” and quoted me as saying it as such. You’re a liar.

I find it hilarious that nuance seems to be completely lost to you.

This I think explains your baffling existence here.

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Don’t feed the trolls. Even when they are unusually short and have magnificent mustaches.

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This post alone is pretty much proof you either haven’t been playing or played blindfolded or something. Then again people seem to “not know why the Jailer is doing what he’s doing” and think he’s just doing it all for revenge still even though the story pretty much flat out told us the events leading up to now where we’re only missing EXACTLY what is broken about the cycle of life and death and he and Sylvanas both know it and the actual thing they know has shaped who they are. So your nonsensical judgement over her character is hilarious at best but mostly sad and telling of your inability to interpret material that is written for teens to comprehend.

You purposely edited something I said to make it say something else and then quoted me as saying it. Then when you were called out on it with proof of what you did you said you didn’t do it, to which I proved you did again. I don’t care why you did it, jokingly or not. Don’t misrepresent anything I say.

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Since you’re so incapable of getting it let me spell out for you.

What I did to your post could be considered a retcon. I changed already established facts with my own rewrite and said thats reality. You said “hey wait a minute thats not what happened”

And showed me proof. I as Danuser said “Nah this is what it has always been”

And you called me a liar.

Congratulations. You have now felt what every Alliance and Horde player has felt.
Including NEs and Forsaken. I wish you the best with your new found knowledge.
You’re welcome.


Because people enjoying the game currently isn’t relevant to analyzing why there’s been a mass exodus disproportionate to the usual steady decay of the player base since Wrath.

It’s not a question of opinion.

It’s a question of relevancy for analysis.

“Some players enjoy it” is cope that the devs use to dismiss any and all attempts to diagnose the game and their failure and is non sequitur to the present reality.

You are incorrect, but you know that.


Apparently according to the leaks the jailer master plan was to just make a bigger maw.


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How is it relevant , when these same people generally don’t stick around long to begin with? It’s the nature of MMOs. People do the the content they like, quit and return when something new comes along and than quit again.

It’s not telling the devs anything.

This is in fact the most important piece and why everyone considers Zovaal to be uncompelling.

Why is Zovaal doing what he’s doing?

“He considers the current cosmic set up unjust”


“We don’t know yet this is fine”

It’s the last patch. We’ve only had one major content patch.

"It’s fine :slight_smile: "

It’s just WoD pt 2


Except that doesn’t even remotely line up. Maybe that was a plan years ago or it’s a simple deflection thrown out. The story tells us otherwise.