(Spoilers) Saurfang's deserved fate

Huh? All my posts are like this.

Like you do?

I like tea. I’m just not malding or anything.

Neither am I.

As far as I’m concerned we’re debating. shrugs

I feel dirty having to like a forsaken post but what else is new.

Bro… I hate what blizz did to the nelves, but you’re going a lil bit too far.

From one night elf main to another, cut it out.


I think it’s worse. I think the poster is basically a Night Elf Otherkin, unable to separate their real-life sense of identity from the media that they consume.


I think the what should have happened is that Sylvanas should have turned the Nelfs into Blood Elves. Then the Nelfs players would have had something to really cry about.

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Sorry but I gotta disagree, for while he did partake in the War of Thorns he was convinced by none other then the “female dog” queen that it was the only way the horde could survive. None but the most truly wicked deserve to be trapped in some random trinket for all eternity . . . so yea I want Sylvanas’ soul to be trapped in a trinket which will become vender trash in the next expansion :stuck_out_tongue: