(Spoilers) Saurfang's deserved fate

I feel dirty liking a night elf post but it’s so true I have too

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A filthy savage is apportioned a fate apropos.

You mean he was lied to by Sylvanas as he thought they were taking more land for the Horde? He didn’t sign up for mass genocide of night elves in a tree

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because night elves wont stop jumping idle

But he planned the war with Sylvanas, and was part of wiping out the Night Elves in Ashenvale.

Just because he was tricket into commiting genocide doesn’t excuse him. The innocents still had to suffer before they were obliterated because of him and Sylvanas

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you have nothing better to do than to pick on an old man? youth these days…

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He never wanted to go to war with the Alliance, Sylvanas persuaded him


He did not want Darnassus to burn he couldn’t stop it

Know your lore better

He originally believed Sylvanas was just going to take Ashenvale/Darkshore for Horde territory, not for genocide


An old genocidal man…

Clark they are trolling they know very well what they are doing.

war never changes.

You do realize that Sylvanas wasn’t even present when he wiped out all Night Elves in Ashenvale right? That’s an entire zone of civilians wiped out already before Sylvanas arrived. And he also didn’t bother to stop the shamans who amplified the flames to make Teldrassil burn faster. His role was not as big as Sylvanas’, but to say that he’s innocent and deserves a better afterlife than to those civilians that died is absurd.

Can’t stop them from trolling but you can shut them down with lore facts


How do you expect to win a war without casualties

Camp Taurajo had civilians die too but you’d ignore that

Read the 2nd picture again otherwise you’re full of it

He’s guilty for wanting to stop the burning of Darnassus?

How about capturing them and not murdering all of them?

Oh the Camp Taurajo argument again… just for the record the civilians weren’t killed by the Alliance but by the quillboars. That doesn’t make it right but it’s still better than going into a war with the objective of ending the Night Elves as a people.

He’s guilty for helping plan the war, leading it, all the deaths in Ashenvale and putting Sylvanas into the position to do what she did. And that’s enough for me to say that he did not deserve a peaceful afterlife when those innocents were denied it.

We’re you just not happy in your commiseration with 1 thread, Elesana? :rofl:


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Can you stop harassing me?

I don’t think you know what that word means.

You disappointed that people disagree with you?



Coming into every single one of my threads, accusing me of being a different poster and not commenting on the topic at all is harassment.
I don’t even know why you’d think the accusation itself somehow bothers me, I just find it strange that you feel the need to do it in every single one of my posts everywhere.