*Spoilers* Sabellian, Wrathion, and Alexstraza

More to the point today, with Wrathion’s new short story out, it may be that it is all leaning Wrathion. Unless they give Sabellian one as well (I doubt it with how close Dragonflight is to releasing) Wrathion may definitely be favored/shoehorned in.

For those who want it: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/story/short-story/the-vow-eternal

Wrathion is very clearly the favorite from Blizzard’s perspective. He’s been an active participant in the story since MoP, whereas Sabellion… basically never was. Even in TBC he was a minor side character.

That said, I still think the Wrathion/Sabellion dichotomy is a trap, and Ebyssian is the most likely outcome.


I read the short story and it seems whatever our desires. Blizzard has decided for us. From here on out Wrathion will be aspect… It seems rather disappointing that reckless youth should lead a flight over an aged, cunning and patient Sabellian.


I mean not for nothing but who’s to say Wrathion isn’t more popular than Sabellian, the guy who’s been MIA for decade+? Everyone keeps framing it as a “Blizzard is choosing for us” thing which… yeah, thats what every company does for their IP. But I don’t see how they’re somehow going against popular will or desire, or something. Where’s the evidence that this isn’t what the majority wants?

Iirc, Sucker Punch went off which alignment got the most amount of trophies in Infamous 2 (good or evil) to determine what the canonical ending of Infamous 2 would be for Second Son. With the Good alignment winning. Some retcons had to be made because of that though. Such as implying that the Ray Sphere Inhibitor had diminishing returns. Meaning that the probability of it killing a conduit (regardless if the gene was active) was reduced the further the distance the person was from the Inhibitor.

I’ll try and find a source on this. Cause I swear I read it somewhere years ago.

The problem is a lore reason why the surviving Black dragonflight would accept him as an aspect. Sabellian saved them, and nurtured the few remaining eggs on a broken and shattered world. He did everything to keep his people alive. Why would they all just accept a rash whelp as their leader? That’s my problem with this change of events.

Sabellian is the rightful heir, eldest surviving child, hero and literal savior to his people. He led them into exile and in so saving them… Should we expect them to spurn him for the guy who hunted his family to near extinction? Seems like bad writing and they better provide in-lore justification. I’m guessing that’s what we will see with the factions we help among the black dragonflight.


Maybe they value his efforts to stop N’Zoth more than they value Sabellian being a dad hidden on another planet when it comes to picking a new aspect.

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I sort of expect them to make a council and do what they did for the Venthyr with the crown of the harvesters, except its black aspect dragon power isolated from void corruption.

Sure! let’s go with that. Not the guy who kept their species from going extinct. Let’s go with the guy who killed N’zoth… shrugs

I get that N’zoth’s death allowed them to return from Outland, but that barely provides justification, but let’s go with Wrathion cause that’s how this story will play out…

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My response was specifically the idea of Blizzard “forcing” him onto us, the players. This is not a question of lore, but why people who just don’t like him seem to act like that’s the common viewpoint.

When it comes to lore, who knows why the flight will accept it. Look to see why in a few patches I guess.

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Wrathion’s anti void corruption research could lead to allowing the twilight dragons being merged with the small black flight Sebellion brought from outland, which I think is gonna crop up I think.

I’m hoping it does too. We know it can work on twilight / void dragons as that is how we canonically got our AotC Ny’alotha mount.


I just want to know what happened to Goriona!!!

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Which seems kind of counter-productive to their idea and storytelling.

"OoOoOOOoOooh ~ Who will be the Black Dragon Aspect!? ~ :grin: "

To which is like … Really? :upside_down_face:

  • Wrathion Collectors Pin.
  • Wrathion new short-story.
  • Wrathion Cut-Scenes.

Aw gee-wiz Blizz!!I wonder who it could be …:roll_eyes:


  • Also, he’s on the Dragonflight loading screen with the other aspects :joy: lmao

This is just me, but i am at the age where Sabellian makes way more sense, especially with that spoiler chat. Wrathion will probably be the new aspect, since the current team working on the story are a bunch of shippers who will bend the story as needed :disappointed_relieved:


From a narrative design, it’d be a good plot twist to make Sabellian the aspect due to the misdirections thrown.

They could have a follow up book about Sab’s journeys in Outland, and how he proceeds to move forward in Azeroth - Along with what Wrathion being a commander in his flight and what that entails for the regards of his role to play in his flight, their oath and their future.

Obviously Wrathion will be the next aspect,not surprise at all,so dumb :roll_eyes:

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My thoughts on this, from what I have played over the years and seen in the last few expansions are:

  • Wrathion has the new model and have been shown here and there in resent expansions.

  • Sabellian or Ebyssian never got new "Unique Visage or any NEW looks as “Dragons” so from that development and technical point of view in game I say its Wrathion the one to become the new Aspect, I believe.

  • From the narrative and story perspective Sabellian makes more sense…IMO.

  • Ebyssian would be a surprise if he became the Aspect, since his Visage is of a Tauren and seeing how… Baine been treated in the story in the past 2 expansions I highly and extremely doubt it. Also I think, he haven’t done as much in game or out screen to make us think he be the next Aspect. :thinking:

I believe it will be like others have said, a predictable outcome with Players just helping in the struggles of Wrathion Ascension and/or Development as an Aspect, similar to Kalecgos story…we will just have to wait and see I guess, anyway. :sweat_smile: :person_shrugging:


I Support Sabellian.

Gonna wildly bet that Sabellion will develop into a Paternal Figure for Wrathion cuz Absent (Evil) Father and then toward the end fo the expansion Sabellion will either die or sacrifice himself for Wrathion and that will cause Wrathion to become a Mature Leader or whatever


Well for me Ebysian would be the logical choice. Cool headed wise, mature. The short story pretty much confirms wrathion as the next aspect however.

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