Ah yes, the Franchise that has a non-binary character as a main character and gets respectfully treated by their partymates regardless of their gender identity. Bare in mind this was in 2000 to boot.
It only matters if the character uses the most hilariously awful selection of attire, and changes it constantly.
Like, someone took all the worst gear and put it in a randomizer, then just accrpted whatever the first result was.
Gay men can dress, drag queens can dress, pillow princesses can dress, tomboy lesbians can dress, why is it that so many of the public trans personas just cant put together anything that doesnt look like they jumped in a pile of 80s clothes and just put on whatever touched their hands?!
Dress well people, no matter your style, put in some effort. If you cant even put in the effort to put something together that at least partly fits and doesnt look terrible on you, how can you honestly expect anybody to put effort into you?
Fun fact - it’s actually not illegal in the US. Well, most rational parts of it. You can kinda just wear whatever or not wear whatever.
Do people really have nothing better to do than analyze every single thing about this game looking for stuff to be all offended over. I mean obviously the answer is yes but still…
Go outside and plant a garden or something already people.
OMG this one line of dialog has a funny pronoun I’m cancelling Blizz!!1!11!11
Oh I’m glad you said that. I have to check on my tomatoes. First tomato pick of the season was yesterday! It was a small tomato, but dang it… it was a tomato!
I just switched mine over. Picked all my summer stuff planting the next batch for the fall.
Oh nice! Yeah I started mine a little late because we had a longer frost here. It didn’t stop frosting til May almost June!
But that means I can grow veggies that are used to colder climates next year.
I start mine indoors under LED’s so they are ready to go end of April. If the weather is decent sometimes I can even grow a third crop in the winter under coldframes. usually hardy stuff like chard and root veggies.
Yes, yes, everything is bigoted.
She clearly has a female form and female name, must be a dude.
Either way it doesn’t matter. Blizzard will hand this off to one of their ace writers to really just HAMFIST this into their story. So, if you want to find out, expect to buy a book.
Ah got you. I started mine in the closet and I’ll probably get some LEDs next year for that. I’m thinking of trying some “winter gardening” with plants that can survive really cold temps.
Just as something diff and I may do melons next year. I’m redoing the entire garden next year and making Square planters.
Haha, come on.
You know we all know how chromosomes work, don’t try to come here and talk to me in a condescending way. Nobody is denying anything.
What I said is: if you tell me I should call you a male, a female or whatever you want me to call you, it’s none of my business. I’ll be respectful to you, call you by your pronoun and go about with my life. Besides, it’s a fantasy video game, I can’t even see your real body, I’ll take your word for it.
You typical woke liberal communist socialist lefty
Trying to be respectful of other people’s wishes
Most female players in games are G.I.R.L. (Guy In Real Life). Lol
I find it funny, fiance and I in ESO gender swapped our toons. He plays a female character and I play a male character xD voice chat makes people super confused LOL
What exactly is going on in the US lol, why are some folks so fixated to negating reality?
I’m starting to feel sorry for the sane people over there.
Hate to break it to you, but referring to singular people as “they” is nothing new. How many times have you not known anything about a person and referred to them as “they”?
ie “They will be coming at 2:00”
I hate to admit that I’m this inflammatory sometimes but in trade chat I’ll say “Girls don’t play wow” (even though I am female) and then watch as chaos ensues as the girls who are “not like other girls” say that they in fact, do play wow
Rocks aren’t known to tell you to break yourself upon their body in real life either.
You ever wonder what kinds of people obsess about the sexual preferences of NPC’s in a video game? Like… would you actually want to know them in real life? Would you respect their opinion on anything?
This goes to both sides of the argument, because y’all are morons.
This is an example of why you don’t play chess with a pidgeon
They’re notorious cheaters?