[SPOILERS] Possible Non binary NPC

Very much so.

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That’s how Blizzard will lose money and ends up going out of business.


Maybe it is, I would like them to pick a side instead of virtue signaling their false support. Either make all clients have no LGBT anything or have the fake LGBT support become real support by putting it all on every client.

This isn’t a social justice thing for me, I hate hypocrites. Devs shouldn’t lie about wanting social change just to get more $$$ in the american market. Its insane levels of scummy.


Blizzard should actually learn to be ‘global’ and realize the rest of the world doesn’t take kindly to this american-centric social nonsense and it will not, never has sit well here and should stop pushing it as such, it’s jarring especially as a Spanish speaker.

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Blizzard was doing that perfectly fine on their own before the lawsuits came out.

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World of non-binary’s lets goooo. :rofl:

Nah, there are trans and non binary staff members who work at blizzard.

Why should they not be able to feel represented in the game they are making to appease a “spanish speaking” bigot?

Why should lgbt people who play the game not feel that there are people like them in the wow universe, in order to appease bigots?

Why should stories be limited, to appease a bigot?

nice bait but you don’t get a reaction out of me

Not bait, and i very clearly did get a reaction out of you lol

I would love to entertain your bait comment but if i do i’ll get banned. This forums is a anti-free speech zone.

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Everyone drink!


This thread makes me want to get blackout drunk, I tell you that.

Too bad I’d literally die.

…Still might be better than looking at this thread.

*Pat-pat. *

Sparking grape juice for you, champ.

Edit: I meant sparkling.

…or did I? :skull_and_crossbones:

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Ive blacked out from drinking many a time.
Youll be fine within 2 days.
Drink up and have fun i say!

In English, “they” is an acceptable singular pronoun, used to refer to someone whose gender is not yet known or clarified.
Example sentence!
P1: “I like your bracelet, where’d you get it from?”
P2: “I got it from my teacher.”
P1: “Oh, cool. How long have you been in their class?”
See, in this case, P1 doesn’t yet know the gender of P2’s teacher, so they default to “they/them” until they learn that information.
So, in the case of non-binary folk, where their gender/pronouns won’t fit into the binary (cough cough) of he/she, “they” is perfectly acceptable.
And language is flexible and ever-changing. :smiley:

And props to Blizzard for diversity. Too many elf visage forms. Although I might have to take a voluntary forum vacation soon, just to spare myself from reading the fake outrage.

Edit: in my example I ended up accidentally using the exact thing I was trying to explain (calling P2 “they,” lmao).



My hot take on this:

OMG THEIR EYES. I know it’s supposed to be drake eyes but can vulpera please get some customization options like this?

Many Spanish-speaking countries are progressive when it comes to LGBT rights.


It’s insane to me when people pull the “oh this won’t fly in other cultures card” as if:

  1. LGBT+ people don’t exist in repressive cultures

  2. American culture isn’t, itself, repressive towards LGBT+ people

  3. Non-American countries don’t have their own, vibrant LGBT* communities

  4. Many countries and cultures don’t have diverse gender roles and expectations

