So apparently a new member of the Red Dragonflight has been revealed who’s very interesting Majordomo Selistra who not only has a Vulpera visage form but also does not follow known Red Dragonflight naming conventions and in their quest text they are exclusively referred to with “they” meaning it’s possible they’re non binary
Also figured I’d mention they also happen to be Alexstrazsa’s Representative and second in authority only to Alexstrazsa
I was gonna mention that as well!
Still really nice to see 'em add that! ^^
“Oh no, a company is being inclusive or at least has the perception of having an aspect of inclusivity to them - better use a phrase that has been misused so damn much it means nothing except for those who know the term, and how being woke is one of the best possible things, since the opposite of it is being ignorant to one’s surroundings because someone else told 'em to be so!”
Want to try that again?