[SPOILERS] Possible Non binary NPC

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Sure you can call yourself what you want. But don’t tell me you’re a he when you’re clearly a she. I’ll call you the truth of what you are. I won’t conform to this nonsense.


And people don’t have to appease you or conform to what you want. Hence Blizzard allowing non-binary people to exist in WoW.


Goes back to what I said of, “Call the person a few choice words and walk off” bit.

And would you go around checking everyone’s pants or DNA before using a pronoun?

If you say you’re a “he”, then I’ll take your word for it, even if you don’t “look the part”.

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Did I say that? No. But having my opinion or speaking truth can get people butthurt. Hell I got kicked from my guild I was with for four years because I said introducing gender pro nouns into the character creation is stupid. Like damn can’t have an opposing opinion anymore with these woke turds ruining things. The woke nonsense needs to stop!


They are the “gender fairy” they apparently just know.

You can have an opposing opinion, no one has to like your opinion or be forced to socialized with you.


I have a feeling they had a temper tantrum similar to how they are having one here and their guild didn’t want to put up with it and kicked them.

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And same to you or any woke people with me. But because one person got upset I got kicked. I had people whispering me saying I shouldn’t of been kicked. Our raid leader said there were some cry babies which was half the raid, and he didn’t want to kick me. But he didn’t want to lose half of the woke crybabies is what he said. So he chose them instead.


Besides, I think having a pronoun in WoW will make things even simpler.

Right now, I’d say at least half the characters that look like a female (specially blood elves) are dudes in real life. In my guild, there’s plenty of guys who play a female looking toon, but when you talk to them they completely identifies themselves as males and don’t try to hide it or whatever. I don’t refer to them as “she”.

You gotta admit, there’s something funny about the people who always get upset over this don’t know English and the usage of plurals and they don’t know anything past like grade 2 biology


To be fair, they know. They just refuse to acknowledge it because of political and/or religious reasons.

But you and most people here are denying biological reality. 2 genders xy=male xx=female. Grade 2 biology.


I’ve only heard one side of the story and I already like the other people more

Cuz I doubt people were missing your low 30 parses

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Anyways got to go, was fun.

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The New Science of Sex and Gender - Scientific American

To varying extents, many of us are biological hybrids on a male-female continuum. Researchers have found XY cells in a 94-year-old woman, and surgeons discovered a womb in a 70-year-old man, a father of four. New evidence suggests that the brain consists of a “mosaic” of cell types, some more yin, others further along the yang scale.

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So glad i switched to XIV, Based Yoshi P wont let this woke trash polute his game.

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Does that make Julia Child by your definition a man then?

You do know she had XY chromosomes but she was a female… right? Not trans… intersex.

What about people that have xxx? Or xxy? What about folks that have trait mutations that give them characteristics of the opposite sex?

XIV has non-binary Viera in lore.