It is because it makes whoever says it like that sound stupid. If I did this in school they would of thought I didn’t know how to use words, and they would be right. And “they” as I mean in teachers, not teacher, lol.
Oh wow apparently its 3 am here so going to go to bed because it’s late or guess early and hope that I don’t wake up silenced for a week because of “trolling”
If god came down and told you, you were wrong, you would still double down and never admit you’re wrong.
If that happened to me I’d immediately go to a psychiatrist to check my mental state.
Good night sleep well.
They would be wrong.
Again, singular they has been a fixture of English for several centuries. It’s considered acceptable to use singular they by the APA; Garner’s; Chicago; and a host of other style guides. Several style guides even encourage its usage in certain situations.
I’m just using a figure a lot of people see as the ultimate authority
I know, I just couldn’t resist commenting.
That just means you’re using “they” wrong but in our society people will shrug it off. Even I would, but calling singular people they/them for a singular person is just unnecessary and using the meaning of words wrong for a gender/ sex agenda.
I know one thing. The job I work in Biggie would 100% not be able to do it. We aren’t allowed to use any gendered pronouns unless the respondent says it’s ok to do so or refers to themselves as whatever.
It’s not that big a deal. Honestly.
At this point ignore them. They are being dramatic.
I don’t know how much more I can emphasize the fact that you’re plainly wrong. What is it with you people and thinking that what you learned in primary school is the gospel, even when experts in the field say otherwise?
Yup you’re backwards, what would the plural word be then? Truly a bizarro world, you people are nuts.
What happens if a non-binary person takes off their shirt in public?
Don’t know why I even thought of it, but in the US, it might present a problem depending on where on the non-binary spectrum they fall? O.o
I think it’s time to save your energy. People like him will never, ever, be convinced.
Not at all. And even if it was “wrong” languages evolve so that what was “wrong” then becomes standard.
A pronoun is a person, place, or thing. Not persons, places, or things lol. Good grief hahaha
No that’s always been, as with most Governments around the world, run by their shadow governments a’la cia, pentagon etc… presidents are mere puppets. There is enough evidence to show that to be true.
More than some.
Disney, Amazon, Netflix, Microsoft, Open society, Google, Meta, Twitter, Governing for Impact, Center for American Progress, Campus Progress, Media Fund, Media Matters for America, Project Vote, and list goes on …
You are in the dark with a lot of things …
Ahh predictable reply by the left when they don’t have anything to say. No one is erasing anything here… I mention a certain line in the text and you somehow come to the conclusion that I’m committing genocide on a group of people. You need help.
Agree to disagree.
I don’t understand the fuss about pronouns. If you want me to call you “he”, and you have boobs, why would I want to antagonize you and call you “she”? You have your reasons to call yourself a “he” and it’s none of my business.