[SPOILERS] Possible Non binary NPC

Thank you for the heads up. <3
Imma head to work - good luck with whatever happens here. :frowning: Take care of yourselves guys.
:transgender_flag: <3


Ahh, so me mentioning these are thinly veiled attempts at gender politics is erasing pro queer content? You really are reaching but you do you.

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GLHF and hope work goes good. Yeah I need to get motivated myself to get some stuff done.

I got work at 5 and I have to work on some homework etc.


I feel - it’s the same here. You’ve got this!!! Good luck out there!

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Call me what you want idc, lol. But they is plural so that doesn’t make sense and is stupid.

I’ve been called alot, words are words I don’t get offended easy. The names I get called by these weirdos and I can’t post in here makes me laugh truly.

I’m actually a decent person, but I keep it real. And most people I’m around are the same way. I have gay friends that think this, alphabet soup and gender pro noun nonsense is garbage and doesn’t represent them. But keep living in your bizarro world. I’m just giving truths.


I was watching videos of Simon cowell the other day. And, someone said something like, “Isn’t this great? When people could speak their minds instead of catering to such a small minority.” I was thinking, yup.

Non binary is one of the biggest troll moves ever.


Singular they has been used in English since the 16th century at least, and we use singular they colloquially all the time, often without even realizing it.


The left doesn’t even run the government even after they win elections, my guy. They control some media and entertainment platforms. Even then, they get creamed in radio and podcasts.

Video games are becoming more progressive. Sure. That’s a good thing. But it’s not evidence of the left “running everything.” I live in the U.S. We wouldn’t be seeing the legislative and judicial decisions that are being made right now if that were the case.

Occam’s Razor.

Gay people exist in real life. Gay moose in WoW exist to reflect the reality that gay people exist. There isn’t some grand political statement here.

If you’re the one raising your eyebrow at gay people existing, then you’re the one with the hard-line political stance that is pushing towards the erasure of an entire group of people.


My kinda person! :100:

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Go on, say the word.


Correction, We don’t know if it’s happening in China just like all the Countries in “the west” don’t exactly know what the USA are doing in our Countries. Last guy who tried to figure that out in Australia conveniently had a coup arranged against him and was replaced with a conservative who let the UK and the US test nuclear weapons on sacred land that was home to indigenous tribes amongst other things

“They are over there.”
“They went to the store.”
Literally learned this in second grade…

Obviously you do care if you’re making a stink about what some random person said ages ago and then grouping EVERYONE together.

Oh wait I think I got bingo now…


You’re not keeping it real lol. “They” is plural meaning more than 1. People like this need to stop changing the definitions of things to fit their pretend identities.


This is par for the course Blizzard writing.

Tell that to my second grade teacher…

My parents are almost 70 and they have used it too!

“Where’s dad?”
“Oh they went to the store.”
“Oh ok”

Literally what are you even going on about?
Oh here’s the dictionary too:


Don’t know what crackhead teacher taught you that “they” is singular lol.

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A 70 year old with a Masters. I’m 30 btw. This was in the early 2000s to late 1990s.

Or, as they say, the rest is history.


“They” is generally used as a plural pronoun, yes, but it’s often been used as a singular pronoun, too, especially in situations where the gender of the person is unknown/not previously stated.

Again, people colloquially use it all the time. E.g. - “who are they?” or “How are they doing?”

I highly doubt you’ve never used “they” as a singular pronoun before, though I do believe you’ve never noticed it, because it’s a pretty common fixture of how we talk, even if not necessarily how we write.

Shakespeare isn’t the end-all be-all of English, but he absolutely used singular they:

here’s not a man I meet but doth salute me / As if I were their well-acquainted friend

“They” with a singular antecedent isn’t some crazy concept.

The APA style guide even encourages the use of singular they, particularly in situations where the gender of the subject is not important or not relevant.

And I’m sure you’ll cry about this too, but I have an MA in English.


“There is a bag on the floor. They must have forgotten about it.”
“Someone left their homework here. I need to bring it to them.”

Now there is only one bag and multiple people can’t possible own said bag. They in this context is singular. Because I don’t know if a guy or a girl left it. And saying “he or she must have forgotten about” sounds clunky.

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Lets agree to disagree, i actually think it hurts them more in the long run, as it permeates a lie.

You may be asexual as you dont like any other sex, and thats fine, but you are either a male or a female. No point in scaping that reality.

I am fat, a bit obese actually… would i want to be thinner ?, yes, mostly for health issues. But im not asking people to tell me im lean, just because it makes me feel better.

Hoping you just understand my view, in no case i meant ill.

Aniways, peace…

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