You could move it to the story forum that way if they say it’s “off topic” it’s technically in the story forum.
typical trigger thread to get attention
Yeah Blizzard apparently don’t actually have control over the Chinese version and all the changes are done by a studio in the country also I’m presuming also hosts the games servers there
Wait that’s super cool!! Frankly I feel like (to counter SOME people here) it also fits in lore. Dragons out of all creatures on Azeroth definitely wouldn’t have concrete gender roles - I mean goodness most of them are androgynous anyway. I’m glad they’re adding little things like this - once they swept out the old pieces of crap from the team it really does feel like stuff’s improving.
AND if we’re gonna delve into that a bit (things are already messed up here so why not) there’s not really a lotta cultures in WoW that have concrete gender roles. There were the Kaldorei in Warcraft 3 but I’m pretty sure (least I’m hoping so) that that’s been retconned. As far as our actual playable cultures, we’ve got tons of instances where it really is just anyone for any job - if you’ve got the qualifications and the skill, you’ll go for it. Any orc, human, etc, can be a warrior. Any forsaken can be a priest, any Tauren can be a spiritwalker.
Pretty cool. :3
Yes, you’ll get mass flagged for that in here. This place is filled with very angry people.
It is exhausting to have to tell folks, over and over again, that the woke boogeyman doesn’t exist and isn’t trying to steal your gender.
Ten years ago, we had optimistic lines like “be all you can be” or “reach your full potential” and “you can become anything you want to be!” And those were fine, because we weren’t committed to this weird culture war nonsense.
But now it feels like if any of those lines were used in today’s context, there would be a group of people (which may or may not include you) committed to seeing that as an injection of “identity politics.”
The line you take issue with is no different from the lines I have mentioned here.
Why dont you look like two comments above your own and consider taking that back
dragons lay eggs in most mythologies
Cool fact. They do in WoW too. Ain’t relevant necessarily but - cool fact. Eggs sound l like a hassle but it does make for more dragons faster
So from now on I shall refer to you as “they” then.
Great way to show how you really feel. sarcasm
So why should my life revolve around your feelings?
I’m a woman, born a woman, and probably have more chest hair than you do. I’ve been mistaken for a man because I have some male traits through genetics.
It’s easy fix though, “Oh I’m a lady but it’s ok it happens.” EASY FIX. If you start acting like, “You look like a guy I’m going to call you a guy” in real life I’m probably gonna call you a few choice words and walk off.
People around you(if there is anyone) must hate you.
Sounds like Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Happy to see some awesome people in the forums - lookin at you fuzzbut.
Awe blushes
Thank you Willow! You’re awesome too!
Woke anything is taking over the west and a lot of the world. The left run stuff if you did your homework, you’d know but you ascribe to said side so I don’t expect you to see that.
I am used to it but to deny it isn’t happening even in the non political sense is playing ignorant again. Or simply writing it off without doing due diligence.
Blizzard is a california company, that have lots of … lgbt employee’s … the company has gone through lots of issues and now are adding thinly veiled things like this, the ardenweald moose aliens thing, etc… to show they are all better now as a company.
I don’t care to be frank; if said lgbt people like those things, that’s fine.
But I call it how I see it… the text written for that drake is either poorly cheesy material or a thin veiled attempt to inject the whole gender topic into it.
Do I care that much? No, but it’s a forum and I think opposing views are healthy to any discussion as long as they don’t border on calling on violence or harassment on said individual or group.
Good way to keep the west divided and weak. Funny how it isn’t happening in China.
“Listen, I’m cool with dragons beyond our mortal comprehension that can assume any mortal form and have the powers to travel in time. Where I draw the line is they/them pronouns.”
Feel free to move there. We won’t be hearing from you at least, but you clearly welcome the censorship.
Ayo way to share that you’re not a person worth talking to. Aiming to erase pro-queer stuff from media, regardless of the reason (especially if you’re saying bad writing because that’s the most lazy attempt at saying “I’m homophobic but I don’t wanna get called out for it. :(” )ain’t an opposing view - it’s just plain wrong. Hug off with all of that and go find somethin else to play.
Oh I have him on ignore because in another thread he said I was wrong because I’m a woman.
Sooo I wouldn’t interact with him.