[SPOILERS] Possible Non binary NPC

Many bigots also believe that pointing it out is somehow an ‘attack.’
I’m calling it as I see it. Normal, unbothered folk don’t argue with queer people about how their identities are too loud.


Look between its dragon tail and you have your answer

It’s an ad hominem like any other. Used in place of an argument by someone who simply doesn’t like what you said. I defined bigot above. Again, you still don’t even know what the word means.


In addition, in 2020, a Gallup study noted that LGBT identification has risen to 5.6%

WAS 6.6% IN 2020COMPARED TO 6.2% IN 2019.

Even assuming just the 5.6%(again GLAAD had it about 7.2%). There isn’t some statistical different between the population and on screen presence.

“A person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.”

A bit strange that you don’t see how this comes across as bigotry.

I dont want discussions of whos this and whos that in WoW. Leave it to roleplay, that way anyone can be anything you imagine it to be. Thats how things are supposed to be.

That Gallup poll is far higher than the statcanada research. I’m not that familiar with Gallup so I’m not sure how credible it is, but they are not underrepresented across cable/streaming regardless. And that data from Nielsen is also pre-2020. It has gone up noticeably since then.

The way it manifests is with intolerance toward differing opinions, which is the classical and most common definition of it. Essentially, someone has a different view and you attack them. Although especially in a way that results in prejudice. Now you are going to have to explain how I have been prejudiced. Better go google that word now.

go woke go broke


Their voice was pretty deep too lol.

Me confirming another definition changes absolutely nothing about your statements and intentions.
Just say you find seeing LGBTQ+ people represented casually perturbing and call it a day.

This is ironically you engaging in prejudice. Lmao.


Do y’all actually care about NPCs this much or just nothing better to do?

Edit: the only thing I noticed or cared about when I saw Selistra was their eyes, very cool detail.

Sure that happened…

Now lets get some actual scientific data out on the world population of them and might as well add chromosomes data as well.


Very funny you would say that.

Which argument did I refuse to respond to? You are attempting to villainize me and are assuming my motives because I am challenging popular sentiment with stats. I have made very matter of fact statements and you are being prejudiced. That wasn’t an irrelevant point to make.


Except when it doesn’t.

Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, Wakanda Forever to name a few.

Whatever, 90% of people cringe and think its lame to have this stuff in video games. Its not required.


90% of all statistics are made up.

its probably more like 98% if were going to be honest