Bruh who gives a flying frak?
Consider the fact that more shows on Netflix have no or very few gay characters, compared to the smaller number of ones that do… they are still underrepresented as a greater whole. You are evidently grasping at any argument of “overrepresentation” or “shoving it in your face” that you can get your hands on.
The reason Netflix does it is because they clearly have a large enough base that watches those stuff. It is a simple supply and demand thing. Also 1/3? Yeah right, most shows have 1 or two none straight character unless they are specifically targeted to LGBT demographics.
And then the majority of the non-LGBTQ+ targeted shows that do have at least one or two often overexaggerate their personalities…
That’s incorrect actually. Nielsen released a report in 2019 and even back then LGBT were overrepresented on TV/streaming in general by 100%. Never mind Netflix specifically.
Hol up, I thought we don’t bring real life into WoW?
[Spoilers] It is possible that non binary isn’t real
It’s really offensive to hear the term “non-binary” right now given what recently happened in Colorado.
Especially since one of “those/they” committed the crime.
Obviously op is a troll since they can’t keep it in the forum area that they wanted so badly created.
I meant to quote this post instead of the one above.
Nielsen conducted a study using data from TV/streaming in 2019 and 7% of characters were gay or bi compared to 3.3% in real life.
This was across all platforms including cable and it was several years ago. For Netflix specifically in 2022, that number is going to be much higher.
LGBT are actually the most overrepresented group in media. The second is black, who in 2019 were overrepresented by about 50%. Now it’s much higher.
Lowest represented groups are latinos and native americans.
Thank science this was found, frick this is more epic than bacon and teh wafflez the game has become so much better knowing this
tl;dr cis-het man who has never met a trans or gay person before very mad that different types of people are represented in a video game.
You’re a fossil, dude. No one cares that you’re mad.
I am arguing with facts. You are arguing with feels.
WOWHead is clueless then!
I’m a queer person who has many queer and trans people in their life, you bet your bottom dollar I’m elated that you’re mad, bro. I’m not arguing with you, I’m overjoyed. QQ moar, I love the salt.
A bit bizarre they claim not to be a bigot, yet keep going out of their way to pull up these random statistics in effort to argue about how gay people are somehow ‘overrepresented’ and shoved in everyone’s faces.
Half of people vote right wing. So your suggestion that I’m in some small minority is inaccurate. Progressives just have a stronger voice atm.
Yeah, the stats are “random.” Again, you don’t know what a bigot is. You just can’t argue sensibly and so you resort to attacks.
Still crying? Guess what, doesn’t change that we have LGBTQ+ representation in WoW. Keep crying, I love it.
I can tell that you love it. lol. That’s why you are constantly trying to shame me. I don’t care about your ad hominems.