[SPOILERS] Possible Non binary NPC

Probably, yours I can definitely say is made up.

Relax snowflake, go fly a dragon, its fun.

I am not the one here complaining about having a greater diversity.

Keep fighting the good fight brother, sister… ?

And which did I refuse to respond to?
I expressed to someone else that I found it bizarre you were offended by them calling you a bigot, yet were excellently demonstrating your intolerance towards a particular demographic by pushing so hard to persuade us that our identities are glaring and intrusive.
Which, no matter how much you wish to argue that we are the most overrepresented minority (I am assuming you meant), does not change the fact that we are still underrepresented in WoW.

You refuted it, I followed up with a statement about behaviour I have observed numerous times over, and now you are nitpicking definitions and trying to rile me up.
Which I find ironic, considering you used the word ‘woke.’

I never said the statistics were irrelevant. I called them “random” because I failed to connect their relevancy to the specific message you were replying to.

Perhaps it would be beneficial if you explained your motives… or addressed the assumption that you are perturbed by LGBTQ+ content instead of dancing around it by speaking about ‘prejudice’ and using snide acronyms.

That said, mind clarifying why you find this inclusivity intrusive? You are not living under a rock; it has been made clear that a diverse team of people is working on WoW, and even clearer that a diverse group of people are actively playing the game. It is woefully foolish to resign yourself to denial when they have slowly, and blatantly, been building up to this.
Not to mention that it is entirely possible you may very well, unintentionally, cross paths with a trans or gay person one day. Would you still consider that “being shoved in your face” even if they say not a word of it to you?

Funny thing is they are missing the bigger issue here.

I don’t care if they are a he, she or attack helicopter.

I do care that is now 17 years and we have gotten pay raises since wrath.

we got bigger issues than NPC indentity. they all all idenitfy as…cheap butts. we work for some NPC’s who aren’t paying us fair wages factoring in inflation over the years.

Van cleef…is starting to not not be so wrong in my eyes. anduin’s mom would still be alive if they jsut paid the man his fair wages earned.

to get a pay raise…we could have an “event” in SW again. horde can do their own organizing lol.

Oh wow this is an old thread back before I faction changed my druid too horde and made her a High Mountain Tauren :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Also amusing watching people reply though not realising they’re pretty much talking to a brick wall like don’t use my Druid on the forums nor would she probably get the notifications tbh :dracthyr_crylaugh:

You know WoW is doing something right when bigots spend opening night being bigots in forums over a minor NPC. chefs kiss Wasting their own time, love that for them. No matter how many bad arguments you make, Blizzard isn’t taking out the NPCs you hate, snowflake.

I love seeing more black, brown, and queer people represented in WoW. It’s wonderful! :rainbow_flag:

I’m off to bed. I have an amazing life to live tomorrow and an awesome game to play too!


Good lord I posted that almost 2 months ago and I can’t even remember where I am in this conversation.

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Sexual preference isn’t important. Whatever happened to people being defined with how that act? I’m not judging anyone be who you are love who you want. It just doesn’t define a person.

Lol yeah thread got necro’d original poster is my now High Mountain Tauren Druid back when she was a Worgen :dracthyr_crylaugh:

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I never saw it. but my few here is the same with the straights.

I don’t ponder as to what my fellow straight coworkers or people in general do at home with their significant others either.

does it affect my pay? nope.

does it affect my life? nope.

well then. cool. 2 less things for me to worry about. now on to the several things that do affect the 2 above items.

They can go full LGBT now, no more Chinese strawman.

Why did we need 353 posts debating trans rights on the World of Warcraft forums?

Just let people be. It’s not a huge deal.
Does no one realize how many characters fall into the category of “Straight White Male” and how few non-binary or gender fluid characters exist in media? It’s kinda nice to just see them exist in fiction. Adds more variety in characters to write, which lends to better story telling.

If anyone was going to break out of the normal depictions of human gender, It makes sense that it was dragons.