[SPOILERS] Possible Non binary NPC

I don’t think you know what a bigot is.


Someone who spends opening game night complaining about a non-binary character in WoW forums.

A bigot is someone who is intolerant of someone else’s views. You are the one who is attacking me for mine. IE you are the bigot.


Oh no there are 5-6 non-straight characters in WoW meanwhile there have been dozens of characters that were clearly in straight relationships in WoW history. Hell, the most recent short story had at least 3.

Romance is hardly a part of WoW. The vast majority of characters are in no relationship at all. Or you just don’t hear about their orientation.

I can only recall a handful of relationships or mentions of someone’s husband and whatnot. Proper representation would be a few % of those like irl.

Go touch grass, lol

Might want to relook at Disney’s income they just put out a woke kids movie that flopped I believe it was a loss of 100 mil. But keep promoting the leftist lies.

Genn and Mia
Baine and Mayla
Turaylon and Alleria
Moira and Dargan
Jaina and Arthas
Varian and Tiffany
Velen and Nuuri
Grom and Gulka
Calia and her unamed husband

I could go on and on. Anyone of these relationships have had profound effects on Warcraft story.

Romance itself is a part of WoW, maybe not the most important part but certain a part of it. And to quote Anduin " I think love outlasts everything."

And Pokemon, a game where all clothes/hairstyle/apperances is now gender neutral you want is now the most popular switch game.


It’ll actually be closer to $180 million loss. They will never learn.

That isn’t a large number.

Going by statcanada, 3.3% of people are gay or bi. And only 1.5% of people are gay (1.8% are bi).


You listed 23 straight characters. 3% of that would be 0.7.

And trans/non-binary people are considerably more rare than gay or bi. So you would have to list a very large number of straight characters to justify the sudden influx of LGBT story characters.

In other words, it definitely is ‘in our face’ compared to real life. As I said.


If we are going by real life then Caucasians characters should not dominate Warcraft story.

That is quite literally just Canada.

It would depend on the setting. The setting is largely inspired by medieval to 1700s Europe and European folklore. So there’s nothing out of place about that.

Yeah because we would expect LGBT to be underrepresented in Canada, lol. If you think those stats are inaccurate, it’s because you have been watching too much Netflix where those groups are grossly overrepresented.


It is a FANTASY World. It is whatever the devs want it to be. Because last I checked there was no airships in Medieval Europe. So either it needs to truly be based in the real world or not all. You can’t pick and choose.

I said largely inspired. I didn’t say exclusively. It is a largely European fantasy world with elements of steampunk and whatnot. However, certain other deviations from real life have nothing to do with creating an element of fantasy. But, rather, with trying to overrepresent certain groups, which is common in present day media. All I’m saying is that the user’s argument that this stuff is ‘in our face’ is correct.


I never said the stats were inaccurate, not sure where you are getting that from.
And you do realise 900,000 people is not exactly a small number, yes?

I mean I quoted the percentages. When we are discussing representation that is the value that matters.

That is literally what fantasy is. It can be whatever the author wants. And like it or not Blizzard clearly has a large enough base of LGBT+ people or those who support it that make it ok for them to add it to the game.

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Netflix shows having 1/3 of their characters gay doesn’t make them fantasy. It just makes them non-reflective of real life. It means that they go out of their way to overrepresent those groups. Hence the ‘in your face’ remark.