[SPOILERS] Possible Non binary NPC

I meant in relation to the US. Not overall.

The topic was Spain vs US that I was replying to.

WoW’s player base is mostly 30+ year old men. And mostly white, asian, or latino. Not a crowd that typically appreciates wokeness. Very different from Disney’s audience.

This is why they just sprinkle it into WoW and every 3rd couple isn’t gay like on Netflix.

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Bigotry? More like the only people who care want to continually shove it in our faces and down our throats.

Please just let us have our fantasy world without RL shenanigans.

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Very rarely there are intersex people.

The problem is when those people force others to adhere to their beliefs by threat of violence, political or social retribution, or Government tyranny.

I don’t care what you identify as, but I don’t have to acknowledge your beliefs anymore then you have to acknowledge the beliefs of any religious institution.

Someone starting a thread isn’t an attempt at oppressing you lmao

All my WoW friends are 30+.

All white or latin.

Only one non-male.

They all abandoned Blizzard after the news.

I’m the only one to come back for Dragonflight and give Blizzard another shot since I heard they were trying to change things around.

Went to the forums while I wait for news of when the game will be playable… and honestly my welcome back experience has been shock that people are allowed to post bigotry on the forums.

I think ESO spoiled me with LGBT rep and how inclusive the community is. Zenimax is also owned by Microsoft and has people monitoring the forums for hate posts. Blizzard should be able to afford it as well.

The superior race is the one with that can actually grow a proper beard, dwarves.

They all left after the news? r/thathappened lol.

Yeah and microsoft is just as bad. Halo/microsoft champions just like blizzard on diversity. And what do we get? halo infinite.

The primary personality trait that differentiates progressives from conservatives is called openness to experience. Essentially, conservatives like what they are used to. Progressives like new things and experiences.

WoW is an old game. So another reason why WoW players tend to be conservative is because WoW is what they are used to. And people with this personality type tend to be conservative IE anti-woke.

Blizz would be shooting themselves in the foot by making WoW woke. The most they can do is sprinkle it in, but yeah I’ve also noticed that a lot of WoW players are quite disgruntled even about that.

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If you think diverse characters simply existing is them being shoved into your face, you probably deserve to have them shoved in your face.


pallet changing characters is most definitely “shoving” it into your face.

One of the major dragons is trans. One of them is now apparently non-binary. I’d say that qualifies as shoving it in your face considering I have never even met a trans or non-binary person irl.

It’s like how on Netflix 1/3 of people are gay but irl it’s about 2%.

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It depends on where you live, where you go, but you may very well have met one. You can’t always tell. :man_shrugging:t2:

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Between Pelagos, Chromie, and now this dragon the ratio for story relevant characters is way off. Even you can admit that. They are very rare irl. I’ve seen them, but they are rare.

I had a nice grilled tenderloin for dinner tonight with some horseradish whipped potatoes. Excellent.

Having a non-binary character and a gay married NPC questline really was heartwarming. It matters because everyone deserves to be represented in the game they grew up in.


Something is not rare just because you want to believe it is.


Are you okay? I have four trans people in my class and several non-binary. Perhaps you’ve “never met one” because they aren’t comfortable sharing that information with a bigot.

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omg who cares