[SPOILERS] Possible Non binary NPC

So make believe character uses make believe “gender”.

More news at 11


reddit moment


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so you mean a quota/diversity hire? Just like chromie.
I just saw him in game and noticed something was off.

Don’t worry guys. diversity quota NPC’s made shadowlands so good! this will be even better!!!


:tada: :partying_face: :popcorn: :popcorn:

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Do you see why this is wrong? trying to force your own belief down someone else’s throat for shoving their belief down yours. THEIR reality/views are wrong and yours are right… because why? And as far as I see forcing people to speak the way you want them to DOES harm our society. its just as bad as censorship.

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New flash. Different people exist and it is nice to have representation. It took Blizzard how many years to add actually black characters? It is nice to have LGBTQ representation as well. There are literally thousands of characters in game, a few new characters aren’t a quota or forcing anything.

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Same. I can’t conceive or impregnate. It’s wild to me that there are people out there who don’t think I exist.

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Gives a whole new meaning to Play With Your Food.
Thats a unhealthy dragon that is.

lol thousands? Yeah making this “second in authority only to Alexstrazsa” isn’t just any NPC like those 2 lesbian/flirting Nelfs in wrath. Didn’t they also pallet change another one of the characters?

Also nice to who is all this? a very small % of the playerbase.
By chance, were you one of the people whining about final fantasy 16 having only white skinned people in it and attacking yoshi p and the rest of the devs for it?

you mean chromie and her identification quests in classic and cata?

non binary hahahahahahaha


I love them!!! I wondered vaguely what the double meaning behind the vulpera visage form conversation was about, but this makes so much sense. I hadn’t mentally assigned a gender to them, so I guess aspects of the character were communicated effectively!

Of course they’re non binary, we know this because


they die early on. Can’t have progressive chars to market with, then killing/shelfing them once theyre not popular anymore. The good ol’ corporate way of making new characters!

But that makes me wonder if a dragon has an undead as a visage lol.

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My first language is Spanish. There’s nothing jarring about being inclusive to LGBT. My mom doesn’t speak English and has no problem with using language that respects nb folks.

Spain was the first country to legalize gay marriage.

The US is far behind on LGBT rights. It has always been that way. The US is only ahead of places like the middle east, some African countries, and Russia.

I hate noticed some Cuban-Americans are anti-LGBT. Usually the ones who supported Castro. Scapegoating minorities & dictatorships go hand in hand.

Either way… I’m happy WoW is barely catching up.

ESO has a whole long quest chain about a trans character, and it is done very well. She shows up in other zones as well in other expansions. I’ve lost track of how many gay and lesbian couples there are in ESO. Major bi male character. A lesbian NPC companion who stays with you as you game. It’s become normal to players to the point no one comments on it anymore, and that is the best feeling.

This sticks out in WoW because WoW has such little LGBT rep :c

non-binary doesn’t exist, just political propaganda. Your either a man or a woman, period.


I googled that. that is wrong and you are lying. Spain was 5th and usa was even before spain.


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What does same sex marriage have to do with a FAKE gender, absolutely nothing.


That’s a shme too, because Qadarin and Thiernax from Ardenweald were a stellar delivery, but this guy couldn’t sound more on the nose if he tried.

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Can you read a chart?

Spain: 2005
US: 2015

It took 10 years for the US to catch up.

I would know because I was at my cousin’s wedding in Spain in 2005. I could not get married while I was watching my cousin get married.

Can you read a chart?
you said in your post “Spain was the first country to legalize gay marriage.”.