[SPOILERS] Possible Non binary NPC

Not as bad as Chromie picking a gnome. / shutters I wanna punt Chromie every time I see that hideous creature!

Dragons should just stick to Elves. No Gnomes or Vulpera!

Wow this is still going?
Anyway saw someone mention icecream so figured I’d add that Cookies and Cream icecream is delicious

Kinda want some now >.>

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So many mint ice cream fans. I just can’t handle the taste of it.

Makes me wish this toothache was gone. Because chocolate / peanut butter ice cream sounds reaaaaaaaaaaally good right now.

My one true love of ice cream will always be strawberry but DANGIT SOMETIMES YOU WANT CHOCOLATE AND PEANUT BUTTER


This was one of my favs as a kid

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As a trans person, I beg of you. In the future, don’t post threads like this. Ever.

Post in the lgbt megathread instead. All these threads do is give the worst people an excuse to come out and show why they are the worst.


It’s so nasty. :face_vomiting:

Need cookie dough or, the lesser but still good, Oreos.

Oh Trader Joe’s has a great chocolate peanut butter thing too. Try Peanuts for Chocolate. Very recommended.

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I can’t remember if the peanut butter / chocolate ice cream I had was ben and jerrys or haagen das. I’m not sure if I’ve ever had anything from Trader Joes

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Haagen Dazs has gone down hill since it was sold to Froneri, I swear. They used to be very tasty.


Decided to have a look at that thread ages ago and didn’t look much better

Also rather not put spoilers in a megathread that would be extremely rude and disrespectful to people who want to go into Dragonflight without knowing anything

And you think visiting the amount of hate, abuse, and disrespect on us that won’t be actioned or punished upon us all is better than using the collapse text feature? It’s not.

Here. Quote me and check it out.

It's under the gear as collapse text.

abc 123 qwerty

I don’t know how to quote you so no can do
well think I accidentally figured it out but not much I can do now till someone else replies so “yay”

She can post what ever she likes. And, one of the reason people don’t post these sorts of things in the LGBTQ+ megathread, is because they get dog piled there as well. It’s almost as if… you don’t EVER want to talk about these sorts of things. Kind of strange, really.

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Highlight the text and the option to quote should pop up in a little gray box.

Collapsible text is [details=“text here”] and closed with [/details]. Can fill in “text here” with whatever you want, but the [/details] has to go underneath it.

Or you just click the cogwheel in the reply window

Yeah, but I like hearing the keys on my keyboard go click and clack.

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Fair enough

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I just noticed this in game. It is a great addition and hope we see more inclusivity in the massive cast of characters.

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