*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

Okay, it will enough for now with the nelfs <3c
:fire: :deciduous_tree: :fire:

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Yeah, I can’t imagine why people don’t love playing Alliance and are abandoning the faction.


Spoilers for SL (but they are in the OP):

Seriously, I warned you

Tyrande supposedly dies from the Night Warrior powers according to datamined voice lines from Shadowlands. I personally don’t think it’s true, I think it’s being used in a vision or some such where Tyrande will recognize she can’t contain the power, will give it up, and will come back and be all peace-loving and reconciliatory. That said, I can understand where OP is coming from.

Horde lost Darkshore, but they sacked all the settlements and plagued the zone, so…

Horde killed the civilians in Ashenvale and burned Astranaar to the ground.

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At this point they need to address the horrible writing.


Wooooow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow.

Pffft haha. Yeah, I mean, unless it’s 100% misdirection like you said… Blizzard clearly hates the Alliance. I don’t even know how someone argues otherwise at this point.

If it goes down the way it seems like it’s going to, I legit wanna ask Ion where the Night Elf Rogue ganked him and corpse-camped him. It’s gotta be pure spite.


I think more or less the problem is it was done by the other faction. It would be like in mop if the alliance leaders just beheaded garrosh hellscream and destroyed orgrimmar.


I’m thinking it’s misdirection.

They went to extreme lengths to prevent datamined voice lines from getting out early, and they HAD to know how something like that would be received.

I guess - I just don’t know why they would misdirect at an angle that would make Alliance somehow feel even worse about everything, especially in a time where its faction participation is plummeting. It seems like a bit of a self-own.


Because the apparent misdirection on alpha won’t be when it’s live and in context.

Same as Tess Greymane getting the Worgen curse.

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How did I know this would be a night elf female poster before even opening the thread?

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At least we made the pun work c:

Whoa keep Social justice out of video games. Listen Karren, if you’re that triggered why not simply unsub…

What I mean is - it’s like you said, they can control what is datamined and what they keep close to their chest… so if it’s been datamined, it’s either because they don’t care if people know or its a misdirect.

If it’s inclusion in dataminable content was to deliberately misdirect, I just don’t see what they’re hoping to do. Seems like all it would do for Alliance is serve as a bit of anti-hype.

I tend to think it’s a “what if” scenario that is being looked at out of context. We are on public builds now, so when something is in, it’s in. All 4 leveling zones are in now (well, when alpha comes back up). 4 dungeons are in. Torghast is in. Oribos is in. We are missing the Maw overworld, the raid(s?), the rest of the dungeons, and the covenant questlines.

If this is meant to be a scene during leveling (which makes the most sense given zone progression) the assets would all be there.

There is a giant character-killing bug in Ardenweald right now, one where your character crashes out and you have to delete and start from scratch, so it’s entirely possible we are supposed to be able to play that scenario and just can’t get there yet.

It’s a game you cannot blame blizzard for their creations, and storylines and plots. The night elves deserved to get executed, I loved seeing that tree burn bright and hear the screams.

For the Horde!
Bad parenting will lead to kids going out and commiting heinous crimes.
Bad parenting is the cause to much.
Mental health issues, can’t stop mentally ill people from playing video games, they have a right.
Bad parenting leads to young kids who are not fully developed to play video games,.

World of Warcraft is a war game, horde versus alliance, its about god damn time the elves got some smacking and we see some action, hail Sylvanas.

Blizzard you did a terrific job.

Also in World of Warcraft (No one is truly innocent) They all profit to wars, and campaigns, their kids future soldiers, sylvanas got rid of them.

Careful there, you might injure yourself with all that “edge”.


I edge myself daily before I go to bed. No need to be careful, I’m an expert.

Yes but Genocide has happened before.

The Alliance and Westfall during Cata.
Literally the Second Legion Invasion.
Literally when Yersa gets freakin’ rekt by Nightmare and you have to kill her.


Westfall has a tornado, some riots, and a murder mystery. No genocide.

The second Legion invasion was WarCraft 3, so I’m sure you have no idea what you’re talking about. Also they are kinda indiscriminate with their slaughter and subjugation, it would be omnicide if anything. You know, unambiguous evil. We don’t have a bunch of morons ranting about how Azeroth deserved it and the Legion did nothing wrong.

Ysera gets corrupted, that’s one dragon. She’s important but there are a ton of other green dragons still alive.

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I was pretty sure Stormwind literally leaving Westfall to literally die was enough grounds to justify that claim. My apologizes.

Wait it was in warcraft 3? Well then, I’ve learned something today. Thank you.

This is true.

Thank you for correcting me.