*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

Yea but no playable race has ever been wiped out and their lands either destroyed or given to the other faction.
Also I have never seen genocide be described as justified and heroic and those that commited it before Teldrassil, but maybe I missed something.

This was just a sudden destruction and removal of a playable race from the game’s setting for no point other than hatred of the writers.

They should, but seems like they aren’t going to do it.

I think it’s more about the Night Elves and less about the Alliance itself. Anduin seems to be liked by the writers and he’s a traitor to the Night Elves.

It’s definitely not. Even more has been datamined now. Tyrande now goes into the maw, abandons her people for revenge and then disappeary (or in other words dies).

It’s because they WANT Night Elf fans to feel miserable.

Same as above, more negative things are getting datamined now.

Ok so how exactly would you solve this issue you can’t rewrite history so what do you want to happen Blizz make the night elves kill all the horde and remove them playable from game?

And datamining dialogue has been wrong before.

We don’t know whether this is a scenario, a dream sequence, events happening in real time, or what.

Also we are in the realm of death, buy we, the player character, are not dead. So all bets are off as far as predicting what happens.

Wait until the questlines are enabled on alpha.

Already wrote it countless of times. How about we got something like

  • Our lands back
  • Our people saved from wow hell / revived
  • Our leaders not look like a joke
  • a new home
  • a new city
  • Justice for Teldrassil, killing Sylvanas or Nathanos and other war criminals

NOTHING of this ever happened, not a single thing. They even gave our zones to the Horde that weren’t destroyed and painted genocide as heroic. That’s disgusting.

I can assure you that negative things happening to the Night Elves isn’t wrong. It’s definitely going to happen.

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Are you in alpha? I assume not, since this post is in GD and not crossposted to the Alpha Leveling and Questing forum. I assume you also have no idea what happens in Ardenweald questing beyond the datamining, which is, you know, important context.

You have no idea what you are talking about. You are guessing at plot developments based on out of context not-yet-finalized dialogue. You are then getting outraged by it and attempting to stir up a bunch of controversy.

You can’t change the storyline that Blizzard has set in place. Wait until the quest is playable on alpha before you jump to conclusions.

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You can kill Sylvanas and Nathanos I agree they need to die

They should and I think will get a new city eventually

Idk what to do about the leaders I personally just hope Tyrande dies and Shandris takes over and can lead them in a good direction. Cus their current leaders sure aren’t.

And forget the land lore wise they already took back Darkshore and for game purposes you cannot change a zone that is already neutral in game and give it to one faction that is unfair for game purposes.

Yes I do, and I have years of wow writing and disrespect towards night elf fans to back it up.

They won’t die though. They are untouchable and they are getting praised as heroes for Teldrassil, just like the Horde. That’s why they’re also killing Tyrande off. It’s just so boring when you know that her quest for justice is deemed to fail because her enemies are untouchable and unable to lose.

They definitely will never get a new city, not even in the story…
They won’t even get a single zone that’s not destroyed, they even lost Ashenvale now along with Teldrassil, and Darkshore is destroyed.

Lore wise it was Night Elf territory after MoP and now they made it a fully Horde zone. That’s just unfair considering that the Horde got Azshara in exchange for the Night Elves getting Ashenvale.
Now Horde just has both zones…



Oh boohoo the Horde has Azshara Ashenvale is neutral as I said before gameplay fairness comes before lore wise Azshara has always been outside Orgrimmar and a Horde zone this is a game and Ashenvale is a shared zone both factions can play through and therefore cannot be taken away from one faction because this is a game.

That would be like taking Hillsbrad foothills away from Alliance and given completely to the undead oh wait you wouldn’t care about that because that zone doesn’t have anything to do with your favorite race does it?

It doesn’t matter at all which races originally held the zones both factions have an equal number of starting zones and each one has a low level faction specific zone next to it Ashenvale is right in between Darkshore and northern Barrens both faction specific zones and both factions go there then move on to stonetalon mountains and so on through the rest of the content.

Both factions lost a major city it doesn’t matter if you hated under city or not or if people hated Darnassus or not.

You can give the night elves justice lore wise by killing Sylvanas

(and no it is not confirmed she is gonna come back and be praised a hero that’s just people who are angry and think it will happen.) it’s unconfirmed what will happen to Nathanos and Sylvanas and if that does happen that would be the worst writing in history and I’m sure Blizz would lose a lot of subscribers and I would hope they can’t be that dumb. So that is to be decided wait until it’s confirmed to make that argument.

But you cannot take a shared zone that is already shared between the factions and give it to one side.

Actually this wouldn’t be head cannon, even today Armies travel with large amounts of cash to pay for various things needed while on campaign (troop pay, food, fuel, lodging for staff, payment for damages etc.). For example I was assigned to a patrol in Iraq that escorted one disburser to a farm to pay $200,000 in cash to a farmer whose fields had been damaged during an ambush. If there is one constant in the history of warfare it is the need for Armies to keep cold hard cash on hand during an active campaign.

Edit: Of course they also lose a lot of cash even when victorious either through enemy action on the baggage train, bad accounting or being cut off from it by area denial weapons.

Jaina and her daddy both tried to genocide the orcs

Mechagnomes tried to genocide everyone that wasn’t them

Trolls have been in a constant state of being ethnically cleansed off their own ancestral lands.

The Alliance tried to genocide the Kezan goblins.

Grow up night elf fans. You’re not special, you’re just whinier than most.


Except cold hard cash would have little to no practical value in lands where there are no friendly/neutral parties that would accept said cash.

I’d also point out any such cash would be contaminated with the plague/in an area none of us can enter and it would be head canon to assume anyone Horde side can even mount an expedition to try and recover said gold/would even be a profitable enough venture to do so. The Alliance did arrive via ships. If I had gold with me during a war campaign I would store it somewhere safer rather than go to a battlefield with and potential make it that much harder to move.

I always have found night elf fans to be the most whiniest and annoying of all. Op is prime example.


#1 the Horde have protective gear it was issued out at the battle, so they can go.
#2 Gold and Silver retain their value no matter whose head is stamped on it and if it matters that much…re-mint(is that even a word) it. Scrip (paper money) is not a thing in these cultures…don’t believe me open your bags and find the amount of Scrip you have. Oh that’s right it’s in coinage.
#3 Logistics doesn’t work like that and soldiers still need pay even in the field, direct deposit isn’t a thing here so when you need money now you need it now so yeah you would have it with you at your headquarters under guard, the way we still do to this day even with direct deposit, we do use paper money though.
#4 The common soldier historically has kept his valuables on him to prevent theft or loss in case of defeat, I see no reason for this to be different here, this of course has always resulted in the looting of corpses by whom ever retained the position.
#5 Portals however are a thing here so no fleet needed to bring it back just a decontamination unit, which I do believe the Forsaken have.
#5 Silvermoon is not that far away and it could be accomplished with wagons also.
#6 The thing about precious metals is you can wash them off if you need too.
So no it’s not head cannon. The soldiers were on campaign. That does not mean they didn’t expect to get paid so the pay chest would be nearby, and since they were expecting a possible seige we’re probably talking more than one chest just to handle the first month or so of pay.
The soldiers would have had valuables on them or if ordered to leave them behind and thoroughly inspected (troops tend to be sneaky bastards when it comes to this) prior to action, there would be in the camps at least.
How much was the Alliance able to salvage from that mess? I’d imagine not much due to area denial so there is still plenty to be salvaged. Imagine the value of the war materials alone left by both sides just on the battlefield. What is the value of a various personal weapons ( again just decontaminate them) multiplied how many thousands of time each? How about the scrap value of the various destroyed Seige weapons and machines? About the only thing you probably could not salvage solely due to contamination is the cloths the soldiers were wearing…but plate and Mail armor…you could probably decontaminate that as well so yeah its salvageable.
That battlefield is probably teaming with wealth that neither side has claimed, and for the Horde it wouldn’t be out of the question to access it. And as for the Naval question they have at least one ship apart from the Zandalari Navy and there was a quest to locate the ships captains of the squadron that went down in Nazjahar to be assigned to new commands so the Hordes Navy might not be as badly off as we think.

We already had that. It was Legion.

Suramar, Val’sahara, Azsuna, Emerald Nightmare, illidans entire Arc. And in BFA we had Azshara and the naga.

And yes, I include Suramar and Naga because they are directly tied to Night Elf origin and lore, and enhance Night Elf lore in general.

Alpha/Beta builds with story elements included are a mistake.

And yet there is no lore of anyone trying to retake UC or even going near it. For all we know whatever back Sylvanas used was more virulent.

And the cost/opportunity cost to reaquire chump change would be too great. Especially when Azerite can easily trump the value of Gold.

They dont need to pay for anything! Again, there was no friendly merchant from anywhere nearby they could actually contact/trade with. Not to mentiob most came via ship from Stormwind and they could have left their valuables in their respective homes.

But lets say the Horde did manage to salve some money. Alot of good that did them as per Lothermar short:

The Horde’s armies are depleted, our treasuries emptied, our resources stretched thin. A blow to us now would . . . Well, I am sure you can easily imagine the outcome.

Trolls can complain after they stop being cannibals, stop committing atrocities, and stop worshiping G’huun and Loa like Hakkar.

Actually, that was the Twilight Cult that did that.

But that’s not going to happen because the writers want to keep Sylvanas and Nathanos alive forever while spitting on the Night Elf playerbase. That’s also why they gave Ashenvale to the Horde and destroyed Teldrassil for no good reason at all.

Lore wise, it was Alliance territory after MoP and even if it wasn’t, why did they give it to the Horde then? It’s only unfair if it doesn’t benefit the Horde I guess.

Because we keep getting lied to, have our race wiped out, our leaders killed off, our zones destroyed or given to the Horde and genocide against innocents praised as heroic and those that commited it redeemed and unable to lose ever.

No they aren’t, because atleast now we know how hateful those writers are and that they only wanted to kill off Tyrande in Shadowlands, nothing else.
Make things even worse after BfA. When it supposedly couldn’t get any worse than that, they are also killing off the remaining major Night Elf characters now, starting with Tyrande which was the most important one for people that were hoping for justice or a conclusion.

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As I said before it doesn’t matter who owned what zone lore wise cus this is a game and the zone is playable by both sides. Lore isn’t prioritized over gameplay.

And you can say whatever you want about Sylvanas and Nathanos but you aren’t a writer for the story and cannot be 100% certain what will happen. But you can keep pretending like you do and keep yourself angry about something that isn’t confirmed.