*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

You’re getting there. My character did nothing, because Blizzard didn’t allow my character to do anything. The way the story was written my character had no agency whatsoever.

Had we been permitted to, I would argue that most Horde players would have rebelled against Sylvanas for even starting the war.


It was my understanding that Sylv was using the dead to increase power - so all death was a win for her.

Then again I rarely pay much attention to the “story” of WoW. If you want a good story, grab Mass Effect. Even some of the older Bioware games had great stories. WoW? Never been good, but that’s not really the point of WoW.

I wish those most Horde players were replying here. There’s a lot of cheering and “good riddance”. :slightly_frowning_face:


I think wow needs grief counseling for Night Elves.

It’s an evolving story my friend, just because one event happens to one faction it doesn’t mean universal balance is required. Let us remember the scourging of Lordaeron, both them and the High Elves were more or less wiped out. Well we finished the game without eradicating a portion of the lich kings forces, as a matter of fact he won and the vengeance of the Blood Elves was a disastrous failure.

If Tyrande truly ends up dying, I will be sad - but still hope something good comes out of it. I like to imagine Malfurion, Illidan and maybe even Maiev actually coming together over it. Just a wish, no demand.

The writers may not care enough to fix their story. They may say the Horde is noble and forgiven. But personally, I will never forgive the Horde for Teldrassil. It wasn’t just Sylvanas. The individual members of the Horde were all complicit.

Doesn’t matter. It is Blizzard that wrote the story. If there’s a bad guy in this it’s the Blizzard writers or their Director.

Without any consideration for how it would make players feel, they created a story that included serious atrocities and provided no opportunity for players to make a moral choice. Horde players just got taken along for a crappy ride. At least The Alliance gets to be the ‘Good Guys’(if written as complete morons with all the military acumen of a concussed duckling).

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You realize all of human civilization has about, what, 8 towns? And by that definition, 3 of 8 NE towns were destroyed, including their capital. It’s more the equivalent of zombifying all of Elwynn Forest, including Stormwind itself, than just a single town being destroyed.

Oh, though they then sacked another 2-4 towns immediately thereafter, so maybe it’s closer to 75% of the population…

Remember, genocide doesn’t have to be complete to be genocide.

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That was a single player RTS. Every player played the storyline of every faction.

WoW is a faction-based MMORPG. Every player could play both factions, but most don’t, or at least don’t have the same investment on both sides.

It’s not, they said that 8.1 resolved everything and was a conclusion for everything that happened, also that Tyrande got her revenge. Now they’re killing Tyrande off, giving the Horde the Night Elves’ lands and glorifying genocide by making Nathanos and Sylvanas heroes.

Nothing good will come out of that, the Night Elves will just continue to suffer more tragedy.

The other ones are just Anduin puppets that do nothing, it’s not Tyrande’s fault that the writers made fun of her fanbase in Legion.


The only solace Night Elf fans are going to get is Blizzard absolutely knows they screwed up. They know they’ve written themselves into a corner, went way too far… completely screwed the pooch.

They’re playing the only card they can by pretending it didn’t happen. The Night Elves are the GoT Season 8 Dothraki - we saw them all die, but what’s that? Nah, it was only a set percentage of them. 50%. Did we say 50%? Nah, we meant 5%. Y’know, a few. Genocide? Nah, nothing like that. Look at them all over the place. They’re everywhere!

The Horde never did it. The Alliance never suffered it. Just start a new character, you’ll see what really happened. Do you hear the word Teldrissil? Not once. That’s because why would you? It never happened! We’re all in Shadowlands. The game itself is B canon, what we tell you is A Canon… and we’re telling you everything’s cool man.

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NGTOW? 10 char

I don’t think they know. They must be doing it intentionally, otherwise they wouldn’t kill Tyrande off now after all of this or letting the Horde keep Ashenvale for no good reason at all. They must have had a good laugh when they told us that 8.1 was our revenge and conclusion.

The problem is that they still killed off like 80-90% of the Night Elves there so they’d have to retcon the whole burning genocide in order to somewhat fix the Night Elves in the setting, but again they seem to want the Night Elves to be extinct and their zones gone. Atleast that’s what they’re moving towards.

Yea, the Horde and Sylvanas never did it, but the Night Elves still have to suffer all the negative consequences from it.

They could just say that the majority of Night Elves survived Teldrassil and give them their lands back, seriously there was no good reason for the Horde to keep Ashenvale.

That would be a good retcon.

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Wait … what?

Tyrande’s dead? And the Horde actually won the Darkshore warfront in canon?

When was all this said/decided/announced?

So when you are the main characters in a story, which night elves tend to be, it may suprise you that bad things tend to happen to you to generate conflict.

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But I don’t want to come from her. She makes weird looking babies.

Are they? Because she was pretty much made a fool in front of all of Org. And Nathanos is even made fun of during the story for being her lap dog.

Only loyalists view them that way.

Genocide is fun :smiley:
Let’s purge all the lesser trolls without tusk (elfs) from the world!!!

You keep your hands to yourself. I might be as skinny as a match, but I don’t burn easily.