*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

I’d like to see where you got this from.

‘Players’ were never given the option to either burn the tree, or prevent the burning of the tree. That means all players are equally responsible for losing the zone, all have no fault at all. Saying that all Horde characters are guilty of war crimes, would be the same as saying that all night-elf characters must be deleted because they’re dead. If my warrior who was bound to Auberdine could survive unharmed, our characters are set apart from the story. We experience it like we do the naga history in Vashj’r, but it’s not our story.

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The headcanon in your post is quite something.

There are also the quotes from Eledgy that someone else has in this thread quoted where Blizzard as the author states it was genocide.

There are also the quotes where Tyrande states that the NE race will never recover from the burning of Teldrassil and that there are “too few” NE left.

Please share your documented sources on the NE population, proving that only 5-10% of the race were killed.


fake news obviously lies from an anti sylvanas propagandist.

Seriously. Blizz needs to remember to write story for the horde that isn’t just turning them into the villains of the Alliance story!

I like the way you completely white wash this:
When Jaina twice sent out tidal waves that would have killed the entire population of Orgrimmar (and which she stated she wanted to kill the children) but was stopped by Thrall both times, and then her dragon boyfriend talked her down before she sent out a third one which Thrall would not be able to stop (since human potential means she can out element the world shaman)


Good. Can’t stand her or any of the other Alliance main characters. So many of them with stupidly over the top powers.

Fixed that for ya.

This. We need engaging, entertaining storylines that aren’t creating unnecessary villains… We keep “coming together to fight a common enemy” but that enemy is always Horde (it seems) and Alliance are nothing but hated underdogs.

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It’s in the Shadowlands Alpha voice lines.

So did I, it’s just insulting for the Night Elf fanbase and generally a disgusting message to justify genocide. If you think that genocide against innocents and children is good then there must be something from with you, and judging from your post history there definitely is.

What? You know that like 80-90% of Night Elves died in Teldrassil? And Arthas was never made a hero for doing to the High Elves, but Sylvanas, Nathanos and the Horde are being glorified for it.

Night elves, innocent?

Was Azshara and the night elves that made the Legion aware of Azeroth. Legion then corrupted the orcs and the orcs killed lots of Draenei kids making them squeal like pigs to the slaughter.

If the Lich King succeeded and used his powers to defeat the Void, he would have been glorified for it.

If Sylvanas uses her powers to free the unfortunate souls (most importantly to her, herself) who find themselves in the Maw, then she SHOULD be glorified.

Just because you dug yourself into a rut by ignoring the fact that Sylvanas always has an ulterior motive behind her eyebrow twirling facade doesn’t mean you should ignore the facts.

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Reading this thread just reminded me WoW players are hopeless idiots. Justice for Tyrande’s character assassination.

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You said that. With the amount of datamined voicelines its picking a needle out of a haystack. I’ve followed the news for shadowlands a lot and never saw something regarding Tyrande dying because of the Night Warrior not being able to be controlled by her.

So I ask if you can point to a source or link that would lead you to believe this.

I think the Burning of Teldrassil is legit the worst story turn this game has ever had.

Yes, worse than the whole ‘one Legion’ thing in WoD.


Fact: she has never been successful at anything.
Fact: She is a pawn of an off-screen being that we are finally being made aware.
Fact: She has always had total contempt for everyone except Arthas.
Fact: She committed war crimes.
Fact: This is the worst writing Blizzard has ever let into a game.
Fact: I want to see how phat the loot drops are, from her as raid boss.


oh good. I found her incredibly annoying since the start of Legion.
There are much better Nightelf lore character alternatives.

An Undead calling another faction leader ‘incredibly annoying’.

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I’m a big night elf. I wouldn’t mind Tyrande dying off wouldn’t be bad at all. They just have to do it with a purpose since this is a story.

Show me where in game my character was given an opportunity to stop the bombardment.

Your argument has no merit.


Ok your character doesn’t exists so technically you did do nothing :wink:

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