*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

Oh please, this all looks like a set up for “And this is whycome Tyrande is the bestest night warrior who was able to (random mary sue-ish explanation of how she could handle/give up the power and not die)”

But you got blue eye customizations now!

Also pretty sure Blizzard purposefully just wanted the two main continents re-engineered to make one horde and the other alliance.

And where would you prioritize night elf vengeance among other priorities like stopping Azeroth from being sucked out of existence, covered by the Scourge, or corrupted to death by Sargeras’ sword?

Also who’s to say the Sylvanas loyalists weren’t bewitched or mind-controlled by her and are free now? She was a hot babe afterall, maybe she was both Siren and Banshee.

Also seems like nothing really dies in this universe. It all ends up in some good or bad spirit-world or back on this world and we find ways to interact with it all everywhere. Pretty sure we’re meeting a bunch of dead people over in Shadowlands…

“The light and life may change places, but neither is truly lost.”

See? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ck8CTBkQ0lI

unless they somehow signed the Velveta convention or somesuch, there is no such thing as a war crime. both sides can list actions they consider horrible, neither is pure. these people are in a war of extermination with each other. If the horde could exterminate the alliance, they would. If the alliance could exterminate the horde, they would. The night elves have exterminated other races in the past. That is the way Azeroth conducts war. Trying to put our moral spin on it is futile. I doubt the writers will even attempt it, they are the ones that run the story.

You are way too high strung and stuck on the writing quality of the game. I agree the writing sucks, but I also move on.

was the bombing of London a war crime?
was the bombing of Dresden a war crime?
was the complete destruction of Berlin a war crime?
If a military force has surrounded a city and calls for it to surrender but the city refuses, can the enemy use force to make them capitulate or die?
The Night Elves have exterminated races in the past, why is it different now?

malfurion triggered the event that caused the sundering killing more than sylvanas’s forces ever had and illidan destroyed the nethrziem homeworld a planet that held more knowleged than all the other worlds combined it was one of the oldest worlds with the most knowledge ever and illidan destroyed all of it. the night elves even before the sundering killed countless to gain their empire also it was not a genocide not even close teldrassil did not hold even a majority of night elves the millitary the other night elven cities in southern kalimdor hyjal easternkingdoms and such held a lot of night elves.

Violet Parr: We act normal, mom! I want to “be” normal! The only normal one is Jack-Jack, and he’s not even toilet trained!

normal is not constant and changes it is not the same everywhere but there is one thing that is always normal the normal setting on the dryer you promised the blood elves.

The more the night elves complain about their tree, the more I understand why Sylvanas did it. That was like so last year, we already said that was our bad

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90% of the high elf race died sylvanas one of them they come back stronger than ever. night elves lose 1 island where yes a large population of elves are but not even the majority at most 5 to 10% and they cry and say oh no its genocide. not even close frankly it is insulting if you think about it.

there are stil a tiny few blood elves whom were highborne night elves who were of the exiled group they were more than willing to get long awaited vengeance side character in the short story a good war one of the prequels to bfa that is one of them.

It’s people like you who spoiled a once beautiful and fun game, honestly. I unsubbed because I can’t take it anymore. So much whining and total inability to immerse oneself in a fictional fantasy world. So much trying to fit a world of DRAGONS and ELVES to the Geneva Convention and current PC standards.
I have maybe 1-2 friends left who play out of probably close to 100 who played 15 years ago. I actually paid for my sub over the last year (it isn’t that much, I can afford it) but honestly I only logged in maybe 4 out of the last 12 months, and most of that was in classic. Trying desperately to find any spark of the old game or community left.
But it’s gone. Ruined by this horrendous shrieking.

Have fun with the new PC game - for as long as it lasts. I’m out.

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Next they will be doxxing Horde players irl and bringing the info to their employers. “DO YOU SEE WHAT THESE PEOPLE SUPPORT!?” they will screech. Employers will have no choice but to fire them for breaking some code of company conduct. Fired for playing a meanie Horde, because obviously playing Horde means you have psychological problems.
Unlike pretending you are an elf with magical druid powers, that is totally normal.

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OP clearly thinks all Horde players actually burn children IRL. I mean, I can’t understand this over-the-top hysterical post otherwise.

IRL I am basically a grandma who gardens and has 5 cats, but ok

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Good news, plenty of leftovers left under the apple tree to gobble up.

Blizzard started this, stoked it and condoned it. I am sick to death of Blizzard hating on their own game faction. YOU NEED TO WRITE STORIES FOR ALL YOUR PLAYERBASE! NOT JUST FOR THE SIDE YOU FAVOR!


I’m sorry you only play the game to say “WEEE NUMBERS! PRETTY COLORS!” Many of us play for much more than that. If there’s no substance, the game is lackluster and boring. But it’s clear that you are ok with that. As for the rest of us, we prefer a good story, a “good” reason to be the “Hero” they keep calling us.

P.S. Not a grandmother but 40+ with more than 5 cats AND I crochet- and I play many, many games for more than just pretty colors…

The post-MoP book, detailing Garrosh’s trial, was literally titled “War Crimes”.

They tried and failed. That was the whole point of the War of Thorns - detailed in “A Good War” and “Elegy”. Sylvanas and Saurfang believed that in order for the Horde to survive, the Alliance would have to be exterminated.

The Alliance has had the opportunity on at least 4 separate occasions:

  1. After the Second War, when the Alliance opted to put the Orcs in internment camps rather than slaughter them outright.
  2. After the Third War, when Jaina killed her father and stopped the Kul Tiran fleet from destroying a fledgling Orgrimmar.
  3. After the bombing of Theramore, when Jaina wanted to among tidal wave a to drown all living citizens of Orgrimmar, and she was stopped by Alliance leadership.
  4. After the Siege of Orgrimmar, when Varian allowed Garrosh to stand trial and the Horde to rebuild rather than dismantling the Horde entirely.

Really? Which ones? With a source, please.

No, that is the way Orcs and Undead conduct war. Not so for Tauren, Trolls (unless dragged into it by Orcs), Blood Elves, Night Elves (unless they are acting in defense of their homeland), Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, or Draenei (all of whom have surrendered their homeland to their attackers and fled on at least one occasion rather than resort to scorched earth tactics to defend it).


Called it.

Hundreds of tribes of trolls?

The night elves were brutal in their conquest before the fall.