*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

Aka fan fiction

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Loyal to Sylvanas at the time. Yes they were loyalists.

There were 6 catapults each manned by at least one person. One troll mage put fire in all the catapults. This was stated in a “Good War” the book that comes with the Collector’s Edition of BFA. Which I own.

The actions of 7 people do not account for the entirety of the Horde.


Not a single player was involved in any way with the burning.


Wrong but if you have an actual source I would love to see that

Blizzard cinematics aren’t actual sources. Interesting. Guess that means the tree wasn’t burned, guys!

A Good War is the source. The six catapults were manned by at least one person supposedly. That amounts to six men and the troll mage who started the fire.

The players at this time were standing back alongside Nathanos and Saurfang.

And again, the actions of 7 grunts following orders doesn’t make up the entirety of the Horde.

The horde couldn’t stop 7 grunts gezz even worse then I thought. Doing nothing while people genocide isn’t the best thing ever so oof blizzard did you guys sooo dirty. Still a crime since you guys didn’t do anything to stop it.

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Wow you’re really trying to drive home this false narrative.

Saurfang did stop the catapults actually. He went around and told them to stop and so they did. But at that time the damage had been done. Another tidbit from a Good War.

While the players did nothing lol

Not only that, the actions of seven grunts who were in the thick of battle being told to work the equipment they were assigned to work in order to fight. Those catapults weren’t decoration. You might as well feel guilty about not being able to save Varian or Vol’jin. You aren’t angry at players here, you’re angry at Blizzard’s writing and for some reason taking it out on players who had as little say as you did.


Because the player character isn’t a major character that you can even give screen time. Are you trying to play purposefully obtuse?

That was the intent. You were meant to feel angry because there wasn’t anything you could do about it.

All I hear is excuses tbh or bad writing which is kinda the point I started with

They’re not excuses, they’re answers to your question that you write off because they don’t prove you right.


It’s ether complicity or bad writing. Both are bad and both are my points.

Blaming players for writing actions is not a good point. You’re just as complicit as any other player.

Its “bad writing” because they don’t follow this “Entire Horde did it” headcanon that you want the game to follow.


Keep defending your genocide acts guys (not a good look)

We never defended the genocide. We just weren’t the ones who put the torch to Teldrassil, but we feel guilty because Sylvanas tricked us into giving her the opportunity to do it.

That’s what you don’t understand and aren’t willing to accept despite what we’ve shown you repeatedly. Flailing around and making snide remarks in an attempt to avoid having to address the facts in front of you isn’t a good look.

Hope you liked burning the tree as much as the rest of us did!

Why would they kill off Tyrande… :rage: apparently Night Elf bashing is in fashion now that the Horde has lost almost all of its old leaders.