*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

Yep, from what I can tell, the difference is if the people killed are mainly a majority from one group or not. Not much distinction.

Might not be as much of a stretch as you might think, following the lore, the NE army was decoyed to Sithilus, which is why the then defenseless civilians got immolated, thus the army was almost entirely intact.

That said, supposedly the 4th war has decimated all forces on all sides since then, so not sure what’s left of the NE army now.

Thank god they are killing of tyrande I hope malfurion is next


They’re not killing off Tyrande.

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Everything (including Shadowlands alpha content) suggests that they are, and Sylvanas getting redeemed is obvious anyway. We don’t need to discuss about that.
Since they are keeping Sylvanas and Nathanos alive, they kind of just have to kill off Tyrande I guess.

I’ve already spoken to you at length and proved that there’s is nothing suggesting Tyrande will die, and that the very dialogue you use as evidence disproves that by having the character who claims that Tyrande is lost and he is of no use ends up aiding you anyways to save Tyrande.

Except we do need to point out how this assumption is one heavily based in what you want.
This “obvious outcome” is just your imagination bending reality to your narrative so you can validate yourself as a victim so you have the right to complain about something.

The dialogues literally say that Night Warriors certainly die and it has been heavily hinted towards in BfA already. Also the fact that Tyrande’s revenge plot ended in 8.1 speaks volumes since they are killing her off and her revenge plot can’t continue this way.

There are countless other things I and many others complain about other than just the obvious Sylvanas redemption. We have so much proof of Sylvanas getting redeemed and it’s a perfect way to spite Night Elf fans which seems to be the writer’s goal. Also the lead writer likes Sylvanas so much that he inserted himself into the story so that he can write a love story with him and Sylvanas, notice how both Sylvanas and Nathanos are untouchable and never held accountable for their crimes? Same thing with the Horde.

Also what about the fact that the Night Elves have no territory left other than a destroyed Darkshore, are getting completely ignored afterwards, genocide against innocents being glorified, the Night Elves being the first playable race to seemingly go extinct, killing 1 Val’kyr as an entire conclusion and justice for Teldrassil, having their dead suffer in wow hell forever and much more?


You claim you have so much proof but have yet to show anything.

That’s a rumor a bunch of idiots made by quoting Danuser out of context. The “proof” people cite was him taking pictures with the Sylvanas statue among other things to drum up excitement for BFA back when nobody knew she’d be evil.

You have literally zero proof besides your headcanon and desires.

The dialogues say that they couldn’t handle the power and those two died because of it. Upon meeting one of them he claims he is of no use, but is then convinced otherwise. You are purposefully omitting and changing things to fit this narrative. It’s pathetic.

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I have enough proof, I even made a thread about it.

Plus it’s a perfect way to spite Night Elf fans and that’s their goal.

Letting Nathanos ruin the entire revenge / conclusion plot for the Night Elves already says enough and making him and Sylvanas immortal. Either that or they just hate Night Elves that much that they used Nathanos to spite them.

Again there are many hints in BfA already that tyrande was going to die. If Sylvanas is our hero, Tyrande needs to be gone and that’s why they’re getting rid of her. Even if an npc told us to save Tyrande (which no npc ever did), it would still fail just like all the other goals blizz sets for Night Elf players. Some examples:

  • Prevent the Horde from reaching Teldrassil and wiping out the Night Elves
  • Save the civilians in Darnassus
  • Stop Nathanos from raising the undead Night Elves
  • Reclaim our lands
  • Get justice for Teldrassil

All of these are goals that were set for us, and every single one of them we failed miserably. It wouldn’t be different this time. Again Blizzard hates Night Elves and wants the race to be gone from their game, why should they keep Tyrande alive ? Burning Teldrassil was a heroic thing according to the writers because the Horde, Nathanos and Sylvanas are being praised as heroes for doing it and Tyrande as a villain that will be killed off in a cheap way for wanting justice.


This thread cannot be serious.

reminder its a video game

Go ahead and tell me what’s supposed to not be serious about it.

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Imagine being blizzard after learning that forcing half the player-base into genocide probably wasn’t the best idea :sweat_smile:


That’s not proof that’s a list of assumptions and theories.

Add another to the list.

You keep saying that and you have yet to provide examples.

Emphasis on “IF.” You’re so convinced on your theory that you will skew reality to fit it.

Except they haven’t and never were praised for what they did. The entire point of it was that it was evil and so the actual heroes of the expansion rallied together to push them out.

This is extremely pathetic that you’re so dead-set on convincing yourself the worst thing is guaranteed to happen when there’s no evidence towards it.

Why would you do that to yourself?

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Imagine giving a darn about fiction.

People write fiction and tell made up stories because they want nothing to do with real life issues.

Genocide for everyone (in fiction)! It’s fun! :confetti_ball:

Well half the player-base never committed genocide. Sylvanas and her loyalists manning the catapults did.

No? The Horde did


The Horde never agreed to the genocide. They were told they were going to go to Teldrassil, take it over, and while allowing people to leave would hold their home hostage. The intent was to have this lead to a confrontation between Genn and Tyrande over which city to reclaim? Teldrassil or Gilneas?

That ended up being a lie that Sylvanas used to get the Horde to give her the opportunity to burn the tree. We never did it. We only gave her the opportunity to do it.

No, we were going to capture the tree and all the elves in it. Kinda blindsided by the whole catapult thing.

Yeah that WAS the plan, till your leader said BURN IT and gave the order. There was no evidence that only the loyalists burnt it.

Unless you have evidence that’s all just fan fiction


I certainly never touched a catapult.