*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

I’m sure normal people would not lose sleep over video game story.


I haven’t slept in days because I don’t know whether Thrall’s family is okay.

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Blizzard literally does not keep scale in mind when they write story beats. They pull more numbers out of their butts if they need them to make an impactful moment. They do this all the time. Hell, they’ve done it -within the same story- with at least one of the novels. EVERY race should be just about extinct. It wasn’t a Genocide, because Blizzard is almost assuredly going to treat the Night Elf population almost exactly the same as they’ve always been treated, as if their numbers didn’t just plummet. It’ll be a Tyrande character arc and nothing more.

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I see. Then wooosh xD

This is Blizzard’s sense of justice,
The Horde destroys an alliance habitat and still takes part of the Night Elves’ territory.

And there are still those who wonder why Tyrande and his people are feeling abandoned and betrayed.

But this is the grandiose story that blizzard has for ally and night elves. Defeat.
imagining that giving Azshara to the horde to leave Ashenvale was worthless and can be forgotten.

It is not surprising that the horde breaks any agreement.
for that reason the treaty of armistice that we have now, is not worth the ink that was spent on him, because when he wants, the horde will break this agreement.

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So why is it that all of a sudden justice has to be served?

People getting away with things that they shouldn’t has been apart of fiction forever.

orcs: try and fail to wipe out the draenei for no other reason than some orc in a hood told them to

Yrel: “aight, you guys can’t be trusted to govern yourselves”

orcs: “wHy ArE yOu So MeAn”


Revenge for what?
For suffering reprisals for actions committed before by the horde against the alliance and Night elves?

Taurajo was just as liable to be attacked as Southshore.
And cillage was a target within the horde’s territory.

I didn’t know that only one side of this conflict could hit while the other does nothing to encourage retaliation.

No action taken by Jaina in Dalaran, or by the alliance in Barrens, was free or to allay boredom.

Whoever does something must be ready for the repercussions.

And Jaina deserves no responsibility for what happened in Dalaran except for Aethas.
Even the blood elves who died, were for the actions of the Silver Covenant.

Let the blood elves come from Vereesa.

Why is it suddenly a requirement? Because all you’re asking for is a boring revenge story.

It’s fine, we are replacing night elves with alliance high elves. You won’t be missed.

Yeah pretty much

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They are just purple-colored blood elves, who left Silvermoon, not because they disagree with the political and behavioral directions moved by their leaders, but to play with an unholy power and they were unable to return to Silvermoon.
They are not High Elves who left Silvermoon for not wanting to sip Fel or ally themselves with orcs and trolls and preferred to stay away, before seeking a source of power that would corrupt them with the powers of the old gods.

They are just a placebo. Now in different colors.

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Go to the void elf starting area. That rift place. There are both Silvermoon blood elves AND silver covenant high elves there. Void elves are canonically both types of elves regardless of their political standing.

And how do they become void elves? Nobody ever explains it. It seems that he is afraid to admit that there is no explanation.
Studying arcane does not make a Sindorei become an Arcane’dorei.
Studying Fel does not make a blood elf become a Fel’dorei.
Studying the void, did not make blood elves expelled from Silvermoon, become purple blood elves.

There was an accident / malformation that nobody knows how to reproduce ( still didn’t want to create this lore? ) and that left them infused with void.
Telogrus has nothing to do with their transformation.
There is no magic stone they feel about, a potion they drink from, that will repeat the process with another blood elf or members of the Silver Covenant.
They being there, it means nothing.
Telogrus is just part of a bad lore, justified by a landscape painted in the hope that no one will question the whole process involved.
Smoke and mirrors.

I’m not here to argue whether or not void elves are an abomination. That much is irrefutably true. But that’s besides the point. The point is that the silver covenant also has members among the void elves.

It was, by pretty much any definition of genocide out there.

If you have an official definition of genocide that it doesn’t fit, please by all means share it and the source with us.

The rest of your post implies that because not all of them were killed it wasn’t genocide, genocide does not mean extinction though, so there can be a sustaining population of survivors and still be genocide.

The only ones who were transformed, left Silvermoon, after Rommath expelled them for fear for the safety of Well of Eternity being exposed to the void with which the gang of irresponsible and inconsequential were playing.

No members of the Silver Covenant were with them or turned into void belv, because they never went to Dalaran or another place inhabited by High Elves, to live with their cousins, to spread their ideas or anything.

there are High elves there, it makes no difference, as I could be there and it would not mean that at some point I would become a void fan or convert, by studying void, into a void worgen.

Of course, if Blizzard spent more than 5 minutes on this placebo, they could make it much more credible, but like everything that happened to Ally during Bfa, it was done in the last 5 minutes of elaboration, as if no one would notice anything missing.

Like I said, go to the rift that void elves start in. There are Silver Covenant High Elves there learning the ways of the void. Ones who are still fair skinned and all of that. Void Elves are high elves as much as they are blood elves.

world of warcraft is a world in its medieval stage. wars, genocide and death is part of life. we are seeing the world from the eyes of the adventurer, we react to the leaders. but the average men just live their life, while we have contact with politics.

I was never under the impression that it had to be extinction. But after looking into it, yeah, you’re right. Even if Blizzard decides next Thursday to patch in a questline that requires a massive Night Elf army to invade Ironforge and pulls the sheer numbers out of their butt to make it happen, it would have still been a Genocide.

Apparently there’s not much as much of a difference between “Massacre” and “Genocide” as I thought.

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