*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

Playable races shouldn’t be wiped out and everything they ever had destroyed, then ignored after. Genocide against innocents and children shouldn’t be seen as a heroic thing either.

They might just remove Night Elves now because lore wise, they are gone anyway.


You can still make a Night Elf, and they are likely getting Hyjal as a future capital.

Where was it EVER portrayed as “heroic”? No one saw it as “heroic”, instead they rightly hated it and Sylvanas for doing it. The vast majority of players loathed it, at least going by these forums.


You haven’t seen the comments about how people are glad it burned, roast some marshmallows, Tyrande had it coming for being rude to Thalyssra in Suramar, etc?

There are a lot of people who think any loss suffered by “the other” is a fantastic and awesome win for them personally. This is not specific to WoW either.

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Unfortunately for Blizzard this plot they decided to leave open is too damn big to not address quickly.

It’s about their side winning, no matter the cost

It’s not even that - for a lot of people, they don’t even care if their side, even themselves personally, lose, so long as the other guys lost more.

This sort of works, but given Blizzard’s track record it’s not a sure thing. Remember that Koltira being jailed by Sylvannas was handwaved away, Neptulon’s thing during Cataclysm was also handwaved away, and so on.

To start, while things can and often do go unresolved in the real world, stories have the bonus of being able to bring resolutions in situations where the world would move on.

We could write off Teldrassil and Darkshore as stepping stones for the conflict, and this would be fine if a) there were no night elf fans and b) night elves were not a playable race. Since neither of these is true, and every night elf has been affected, there needs to be some resolution. Not doing so means that their aggression as portrayed after the night warrior questline was nothing but hot air, and has the added detriment of reducing the value of the risks Tyrande took in said questline.

it also makes the night elves one-tone characters (Tyrande wryying over the peace treaty after the war). The only real benefit storywise is that it might create a rift between the night elves and the rest of the Alliance (though how this is seen in-game makes Anduin look like an absolute idiot who knows 0 things about politics).

After Japan was nuked then China said they won the war against Japan themselves. #LOL

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LOL, joke’s on him. The entirety of wow is a sad cutscene for night elves.

Yes and no. Previous to the wisp nuke, Night elves were immortal to aging, but could still be killed by physically hurting them.

Thanks for that. I think we still don’t have the entirety of it. So, I’ll reserve my judgement until then.

Well as childish as it sounds, Blizzard gave one sad Orc 4 Hollywood cutscenes because of burning the city while the real victims got a crappy in game cutscene…

Blizzard pretty much portrayed Saurfang and the Horde “heroic” because “they were loyal and loyalty and following orders= innocent”.

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That was… a joke.

I don’t think you can consider faceless nonexistent people “victims.” Nor are they entitled to anything if it doesn’t suit the story.

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‘Revenge’. The word you’re looking for what you want is ‘Revenge’.
And the writers did their jobs well.

So basically like the non existent Taurajo civilians and the Sunreavers of Dalaran.

Got it.

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We need to regrow the tree. It’s thirsty.


When I burn my Christmas tree, the fire department showed up. My buddy and ran next door. My drunk roommate arrived home just in time to be questioned about the 60 foot high fire.

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Sorry but why are you taking a game so serious as to say that Blizzard actively supports genocide?

Wtf is wrong with you

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Yeah. Those guys are pretty pointless in the grand scheme of things. Blood Elves never got to get revenge on Jaina. Tauren didn’t either.

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The Horde or more correctly the paying customers who play the Horde did not start this war nor did most of them they want it.
The writers and Blizzard started this unnecessary war because they could not come up with anything new.
Don’t blame the player base for something they had no control over.


My goodness, the OP has some HUGE issues with Horde players and not the writers.