*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

Did you even read your own links?

Those were a token group of town guards. The military had already boarded boats and landed at Lor’danel.

So you admit there were soldiers?

I just want to point out that you have to remember that this isn’t specifically blizzard attacking one playerbase and being biased towards the other.

I want to remember everyone that this isn’t a matter of alliance x Horde, but players against the devs, they want the story like they want, by being completely disconnected with us they don’t care about changing things or creating more nonsenses in the lore

The entire mess of BfA damaged Both factions , i completely agree with you that the writing was disgusting, unprofessional and worse than fanfic, but fanfic is like wow lore is since wod.

I also would like to remember that devs don’t rly hate one race in general like you imply, they are screwing other races for a long time, with he same large fanbase, for the record, your race still have your leaders alive at least, while some of the horde don’t have one since MOP/Legion

Like i said, this isn’t a matter of horde biased Devs x night elves here

Are police officers military?

Are Sentinels police officers now?

Can alliance players please shut the hell up


Town guards? Yeah pretty much.

The exist to tell you where the bank is and stop petty criminals in the city.

Sort of weird that the night elves have deployed those same troops to all sorts of active warzones then.

Even weirder for them to be named after the night elven military organisation, that must get confusing.

It’s almost like people deployed to different places have wildly different jobs, even if their equipment, training, and rank are the same.

Would you consider Stormwind Guards to be an active military fighting force? Or are they there to, you know, guard Stormwind?

How about Ironforge Mountaineers? Kor’kron Honor Guard? Deathguards? Bluffwatchers?

If they are stationed in a city, they are on guard duty, protect the city duty, not go off and kill the enemy duty.

So then if they’re at Darnassus, fully equipped, fully trained, actively mounting a defence against the Horde, please explain how they aren’t a military force.

Well generally I would say policemen aren’t equipped with full suits of plate armour. Suits of armour they put to good use in combat all over Elwynn and several other zones. Did you miss all those quests?

Mountaineers, the Kor’kron, deathguards and Bluffwatchers have all been seen fighting in battles. Deathguards and mountaineers have even been seen fighting in BGs.

Next you’ll say orc grunts aren’t soldiers.

And a group of trained fighters equipped by the state to defend their homes against enemies, those aren’t military forces?

Are they ever going to be deployed offensively?

You want to fight the army in an active warzone, or patrolling outside soverign territory, fair game. That’s war.

Burning a city and all of it’s civilian inhabitants to the ground because there are maybe a dozen guards there is indefensible. It is a war crime.

Horde need to help rebuild Teldrasil.

I’m sure there is a way to graft a tree to the root mass. Fire didn’t go below water.

A soldier is still a soldier on the defense.

I never said it wasn’t. Just that it fails to meet the legal definition of a genocide.

Did they ever finish the story in MoP where the Night Elves were looking for a new Well of Eternity?

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I have been thinking much about the situation regarding night elves and the Shadowlands, one has to consider the facts, that they are at an unfair advantage over the rest of us, as through Ardenweald their souls get to come back to life once more, where other souls often get trapped in the afterlife after being judged by the Arbiter.

Therefore it’s less wrong to kill a night elf then a human or an orc.

Warcraft 3 started with the genocide of the Blood Elves. We lost ‘all’ of our zones.
We lost our racial identity. Alliance claimed it was their own.
We didn’t get a revenge plot. Illidan failed at that.
Also near extinct.

Oh, and the Night Elves still attacked the Blood Elves while they were down by sabotaging our Arcane Sanctums and invading what little remained of Quel’thalas, all with 0 provokation and before the Blood Elves officially joined the Horde.

I think overdue is the best word for what happened at Teledrassil. To be sure, I don’t condone any of what happened to them, as I wouldn’t wish that on any race, but still I have to wonder. Where’s all that wit Maiev and the Wardens were spewing about Blood Elves being a bastard race? You know? Only worthy only of being wiped off the face of the earth?

Seems like it feels pretty painful when the shoe is on the other foot, and the Night Elves are the ones who got exiled from their homeland, eh? Well get used to it. Rename yourselves the Snow Elves if you want. Either way, welcome to being mortal.

I can’t read through all these posts, not sure if this part of the OP was addressed: Tyrande is not dying, at least not in the night warrior scenario. They explore the past in a vision or something, and relive the original night warrior.

Pretty sure I saw that Night Elves are all going to Mt. Hyjal.

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Nothing of what you just said is true. Night Elf souls go into the maw and if they didn’t go into the maw, they’d go to normal afterlives just like the other souls (we know that already).

If you want to compare it, it’s a way bigger atrocity to kill Night Elf children than it is to kill orc or human children because those Night Elf children would’ve lived for thousands of years.

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The only bad thing about the lore in BfA, was the peace crap. I wanted a real war/battle/ whatever with victories and losses on both sides. Yet have us at each other’s throats at the end of the expansion still.