*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

Still not sure if the OP is a brilliant troll or someone in dire need of cancelling their sub and uninstalling the game.

Your argument fails the logic test, as by your assertion, there can never be genocide.

Just a game bro

I really wish they’re actually extinct, sick of Night Elf lore and rescuing Malfurion and his virgin wife 3 expansions in a row.

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That’s just patently false. For instance actions taken by a government against a civilian populace in a region after it’s been occupied can be genocide. Actions taken against captured or imprisoned soldiers can be genocide.

Teldrassil was an active war zone. It’s an atrocity sure, but not a genocide.

Not to pick any sides here but to be fair to the OP
is the real world really looking all that good right now? I can kind of see why this might be important to some :confused:

For the record:

  1. Jaina didn’t drown Orgrimmar. Wanting to drown Orgrimmar is not the same as actually burning Teldrassil.
  2. Jaina didn’t slaughter Blood Elf innocents in Dalaran. She teleported innocents to Violet Hold, and later exiled them to Silvermoon or wherever, and she killed any who resisted being imprisoned and later banished.
  3. The motivations of the Alliance in literally every faction conflict storyline have amounted to “The Horde is going to kill us, what do we do to stop it?”. Even is Stormheim, the ONE time the Alliance was an unprovoked aggressor (which I contest, given the events of Aszuna, but since Legion questing is out of order I’ll concede it for the sake of argument) amounted to “Let’s get revenge on the Banshee who abandoned us to die in our time of need”

Categorically false.

Ashenvale was a civilian slaughter. Darkshore was an active warzone. Teldrassil was a big tree near the warzone where civilians lived. There were no military forces on Teldrassil, the army had all moved to Darkshore.


She didn’t want to drown Orgrimmar, she TRIED to drown Orgrimmar twice. I mean, yeah it was stopped, but what, does she get a cookie that someone was able to prevent her from commiting the worst atrocity that would have happened in game (including Teldrassil)

Have you not played Horde starting zones? Dwarves can’t help attacking Tauren, including slaughtering most of a tribe because they didn’t want them to blow up their sacred land? Humans were still camped in Durotar causing trouble. I don’t tend to do UD questing so not sure if they’re stuck with just SC or if other humans help. There’s been a lot of unprovoked Alliance aggression, it just doesn’t get shouted about by the story like any time the Horde inconveniences the alliance.


Demonstrably untrue.



Here’s one on Teldrassil during the burning.


When? As far as I recall the quests all encouraged to to kill the civilians, you could optionally spare them but it was never forced.

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The quest No Small Mercy.



I genuinlty do not remember that quest, was it added in after the initial pre-patch event?

No it was there from day 1.

Well, day 1 of that section of the storyline. The later sections were added in week by week from memory.


Hu, thats interesting then, paints Saurfang as a bit more empathetic from the start than what I had remembered. Good on him. He was honourable afterall.

Your post is garbage, just like the game’s latest storyline.


I’m really hoping this is fixed in shadowlands or even after a potential time skip, same with the undead capital. Night elfs have always been one of my favourite races so seeing such a beautiful city being burned was sad
 but if we are to get a new awesome and revamped Night Elf capital I would forgive Blizzard.

It was there, if we didn’t release civilians, and turn in the quest We couldn’t continue.


They definitely won’t. They wanted to remove the Night Elves from the wow setting, that’s why they gave their zones to the Horde and destroyed the rest of them, nearly wiped them out and kill Tyrande off.

I don’t know why, but I guess they have their reasons, even if those aren’t good reasons. There also wouldn’t be a zone for the Night Elves to get a new city in because after BfA, they don’t have a zone left that’s only for themselves. Darkshore could be easily attacked by the Horde since Ashenvale is theirs now, so definitely no new city or home. There are also not enough Night Elves left to fill a whole city.

So the Horde saved like 8 civilians and intentionally killed tens of thousands and sent them to hell. In Ashenvale you were praised when you killed civilians, and I bet those in Darkshore were killed too after you “spared” them at the point when the Horde decided to just kill them all instead of leaving a single one alive.

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We let them go. Not all of us are bad even if we want to be. Get over it!