*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

How is that remotely Ironic?

I’ve seen quite a few posts of yours, and I could change two words in that sentence I quoted and use it against you regarding Sylvanas :stuck_out_tongue:

That is, if I cared to hear your answer.

I’m not Baine.

So again, I don’t see how any part of this is Ironic.

I don’t think you know what Irony is.

Yup, thats it. I just dont understand irony.


You would be oh so wrong.

We can start with the simple definition:



1. the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.

synonyms: mass murder, mass homicide, massacre;

annihilation, extermination, elimination, liquidation, eradication, decimation, butchery, bloodletting;

pogrom, ethnic cleansing, holocaust

“a tyrant guilty of genocide”


No where does it say that you have to kill all of or the entire group for it to be genocide.

I find this definition to be even more precise:

Genocide in the generic sense means the mass killing of substantial numbers of human beings, when not in the course of military action against the military forces of an avowed enemy, under conditions of the essential defenselessness of the victim. ( Genocide: Conceptual and Historical Dimensions ed. George Andreopoulos)

Yes, it was genocide.

No, they hadn’t.

In the scenario, alliance players are tasked with rescuing 999 civilians.

Now let us do some simple math.

Each player has to rescue a different 999 civilians (credit is not shared when doing the scenario).

IF you ignore the flame extinguishing mechanic and fly around spamming the rescue button, in my experience, you can rescue @ 150 civilians.

It will be around 50-60 if you follow the mechanics of dismounting and extinguishing the fires first.

That aside, we will use the 150 number as a best case example.

Since we don’t know “officially” how many “heroes” were attempting to evacuate the civilians, we use percentages, as whether there are 10 heros trying to rescue 9990 civilians or 100 heroes trying to rescue 99,900 civilians the percentages are the same.

If every “hero” managed to rescue only 150 of the 999 civilians that they needed to, to complete the evacuation, that means that AT MOST only @15% of the population of Teldrassil was evacuated.

That means that Sylvanas and the horde were directly responsible for the suffocation and immolation of AT LEAST 85% of the civilian population that was unable to evacuate prior to the burning.

Those that did evacuate prior were a minuscule portion of the total population, as unlike in game, in lore, portals are limited and unable to mass transport.

I too, use game examples when they fit my narrative and dismiss them when they don’t.

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So quit playing. Problem solved.

Not sure what you mean?

Game play convenience of players being able to use portals at any given time does not trump the lore that portals are hard to maintain, incapable of mass transit, and not for general use of the population.

The percentages are direct from the in game scenario and are pretty much confirmed with the Eledgy quotes.

Yeah It sucks trying to talk about the lore since people regardless of faction always seem to twist things to fit their narrative. There’s never really any discussion as to why a character was made to feel or act in a certain manner so it always just becomes a bastard of a conversation.

Like I don’t even really dislike the forsaken, but I detest the players that try to warp what the forsaken are into somehow being sympathetic.

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Kind of shot yourself in the foot with this. The night elves were an enemy and they weren’t defenseless.

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In what universe are unarmed civilian populations considered military?

How were the civilians not defenseless? The majority of the army was decoyed towards Sithilus and the reserve forces were annihilated trying to stop the Horde in Darkshore.

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Are you saying there were no soldiers at all 100% on Teldrassil?

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Not enough to be considered a defense by any stretch of logic.

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Malfurion can keep drinking watermelon wine and hookin up with depraved draenei women. Its all about the waggle.

If they were there, that’s a defence. The definition you linked doesn’t say it has to be a good defence or even an adequate defence. It’s still a war crime, but it’s not genocide.

Like, the Allied strategic bombing campaign committed several atrocities, but it wasn’t a genocide.

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Not extinct enough apparently.

I never see a citation on that claim besides Tyrande vaguely saying there were “too few” left

but they werent human

Too many “too few,” imo. :smirk: