*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

sylvanas is my queen I am her loyal subject she is the true last leader of elves and of the forsaken she saved us both from complete destruction as such she earns my loyalty also you haven’t met any sylvanas fans have you there is millions on a serious note im not the one making the game as it is which you say is ruining for a percentage of the player base that’s entirely blizzards doing and I compliment them for making wow a more chaotic and unpeaceful game making sure peace will never last and making sure to keep their favorite money making character sylvanas wont get killed off they already regret doing that to illidan garrosh arthas kaelthas and the other Warcraft 3 characters so they arnt kiln them off be greatful that means you keep tyrande

don’t worry the person is a moonguard player they are slow and special don’t mind them

Don’t be surprised if, at some point, the alliance leaves the Night Elves or the Night Elves have to apologize for having forced the Horde to carry out a preemptive strike against Teldrassil.

If Night elves were from some other faction, like the Horde for example, they would not have to go through this.

BfA was something that only caused disappointment, disappointment and showed the Night Elves being defeated (some people wanted the heroes to suffer a defeat, right? That’s how it would be) and totally alienated from the alliance, which ended up fragmented internally and weak, with their leaders shown like idiots and getting allied races that nobody wanted and that are a joke.

Have Mercy


LOL such victim mentality. Horde endures crap all the time. I don’t see the alliance cities get raided like…ever.

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I like the lore of this game but you people are waaaay too invested on these pixels and their imaginary world.

It is a game, just a game.


Be your disappointment to a race that by surprise at its inception was the key to destroying the Legion in Warcraft 3, and so it ends, but believe me.

You want justice, it won’t be from Sylvanas, it won’t be from the horde, the only justice that will change the plot, is when Jaina dies first and not Tyrande.

And second, how sad will that ending that counts as much as cinematic? something sadder than Ysera’s death.

and third, it is an example of the result of revenge, as Chavo says, Vengeance is bad, it kills the soul and poisons it.

and for last, maybe your race have a great redemption to further reflect its unstoppable strength seen in the days of Warcraft 3.

Nope! Our cities are destroyed from the map with giant craters, toxic poisoning or converted into the largest crematorium pyre ever seen.

The Horde’s? I have never seen any damage done by the alliance, at least for any patch.
Nor are their populations a priority target in any action.

Certainly what the Horde experiences is equally damaging to the morality of the Horde, that manages to flank the Night Elves in their own territory


This is what happens when you listen to touchy feely Tauren and dishonorable Orcs who can’t even wear shoulderpads anymore. They think with their bleeding hearts instead of those good ol noggins.

The Undead have always been pragmatic, not evil. Sorry you refused to listen to the Loyalists.


I’m pretty sure the peace between The Alliance and The Horde is a return to Status Quo Ante Bellum. At least to the extent that is possible.

But the Horde getting to keep Ashenvale is definitely not part of the status quo.

It’s just unfair treatment to the Night Elves and favored treatment of the Horde.

Will be hard when they are near extinct now and have no lands left to settle…


It wasn’t genocide by a long shot. Burning down one town doesn’t equal wiping out the entire race. The majority of the Nelf people were not there.

“How could this be happening? How could the Horde have gotten so far, and how—in Elune’s name, why?—had the Horde chosen to burn the World Tree? This was more than war. More than cruelty. This was madness and genocide and hatred so extreme that Astarii could not understand it.”

“Sylvanas Windrunner had committed genocide.”

It was an entire zone full of civilians.

They definitely were, as it’s stated that there are too few Night Elves left after Teldrassil was burned.


They had evacuated a lot of the tree already, Nelfs were all over the world. Nelfs still are everywhere all over the world. Not a genocide. Destroying one city is not genocide.

So does the Cult of Sylvanas but here we are.


There you go. Puny night elf brain no comprehend how war works.

Why are you attacking us? Because we’re harboring a war criminal who attacked Sylvanas on a mission of preserving her entire race during peace times? Someone who proved that an unchecked Alliance would be the death of the Horde?



The fact you seem to think the horde had zero issues with the burning, and none of the horde was remorseful, proves you pay zero attention to anything outside of your personal bias bubble.

Many, many horde were downright furious of what happened, and actively called out against it, some even actively refused (Myself included) to participate in the war of thorns event, because we refused to be party to this.

This was Sylvanas. Period.

Not the horde, outside of a few lugheads no one wanted another faction conflict, it’s so tired and boring at this point, and there is absolutely zero investment in it, nor any point to it anymore.


That’s nice and all, but how Horde players act on the forums isn’t the same thing as how Horde characters in the lore acted. Even Baine kept his mouth shut and did Sylvanas’ dirty work until she dared to raise Jaina’s brother halfway through the expansion.


And it was specifically stated early into the Horde war campaign that there had been a growing rift in the Horde since Teldrassil but everyone was scared of Sylvanas.

No he didn’t.

This is such a ridiculous miss-characterization of Baine, it’s annoying to see people try to propogate it.

He didn’t go around doing “Sylvanas’s dirty work” he was a envoy and diplomat to the Zandalari, and spent most of his time doing diplomatic missions in BFA.

He didn’t immediately lash out, because not only is Sylvanas -not- honorable, but the memories of his fathers death, and the chaos and turmoil that was left behind in it’s wake was still fresh in Baine’s mind.

He hated everything Sylvanas was doing, but was trying to find a way besides open warfare and civil war to address it, he was also attempting to keep his people from once again being punching bags (Which blizzard is pretty happy to do constantly to the Tauren).

Yes, when he saw Sylvanas tipping even more over the deepend, and starting to plan to strip away even forsaken / raised undeads wills, and turn them into weapons themselves (Reminder, that Derek was never part of the alliance as we know it today, he was basically in the same boat as lorderon citizens that were raised as forsaken), he decided that it was clear that being subtle and diplomatic was not going to work, and then went about taking more direct approaches. :roll_eyes:

As I said, I’m really bloody tired of people purposely miss-characterizing Baine, just because they don’t like the fact his first instinct isn’t to murder someone when they do something bad.


Ah the irony…