*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

That’s cool. We will let you and your 4 friends stay Horde along with the devs and the rest of us will leave this game.


2 million players at least from the last poling im going back to skyrim I installed a new quest mod that brings me to morrowind

I don’t support the sylvannas character, but I do support the more evil, murder everyone who gets in the way, thought process. My RPG characters tend to side more towards the evil side.

Why are you not upset that Sylvanas and her Forsaken all were not destroyed for disobeying Garrosh? They should have been genocided like the Night Elves for disobeying the Warchief. Well that was the second time. The first time was when they disobeyed Thrall and Wrathgate happened.

You only cant disobey Sylvanas as Warchief

If you think back to Teldrassil, the whole storyline just gets more and more baffling honestly. Before the burning when we were speculating on who burned down the tree, who were the primary contenders? The Naga, the Old gods, a bad actor in either faction… It seemed beyond reason that Sylvannas herself, and not only alone but with the assistance of Horde soldiers, would burn down the tree because it would back the Blizzard writing team into a corner so hard that they might as well give up.

Blizzard gave themselves two options with that nightmarishly bad story choice: either lean into it and make the Horde a wholly evil faction that never learns, or pretend it didn’t happen so they can keep the good narrative of two good rival factions going. They chose the second, and that has a whole bag of worms to drag along with it.

But really. Honestly. How did they not fire the Blizzard writing team on the spot after that blunder?


Find me the quotes and sources and I’ll consider your point of view. I’m open.

Garrosh murdered many people who disobeyed him.

This is the problem, players liked being horde. Blizzard changed what it is to be horde… they corrupted and destroyed all sense of faction pride by the story telling. It would be like if a sports team inexplicably traded jumpers with another team and continued playing on… like sure the players are the same but is the team?

Like Michael Jordan wearing number 45… there is just something off about it.


Here is the quote Elesana gave. She’s right: from an in game point of view what happened to the nelves was genocide.

Although player populations will never reflect this, lore wise night elves are very few in number because of what Sylvanas did.

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Much like the darkspear comming into vanilla?

Just about every race in this game has suffered massive population losses. Only the Dwarves seem okay so far. However, Blizz just keeps pulling numbers from out of thin air.

I saw the text, but I didn’t see where Tyrande died. It looks like she gets overwhelmed by the powers of the Night Warrior and needs advice/help from previous Night Warriors.
Also we’re literally going to the bloody afterlife. Even if she does die, that doesn’t mean it’s the last we see of her. Hell if anything, she will just come back to life.

Still a LOT less than the number of NEs.

No Horde races were genocided by Garrosh

And? I fail to see what point you’re trying to make

prolly the hypocricy of a elf complaining about genocide.

Or not… idk what their point is.

For someone who claims they don’t care, you sure do post a lot.
you know the diff between you and me?
I don’t attack people personally.

About the same amount as horde players who complain about this ‘high elf’ thing.

So for the sake of your feels(because you can only speak for yourself), you’d be willing to see the game ruined for a fair percentage of the other players?
and just because you got this jones on about that banshee?
wut up she your waifu or something?

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I would rather see the nightelf population die off then see Sylvanas die off. cause the whining about muh tree…it gets old.

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I post a lot because i’m bored.

But I have not attacked someone personally