*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

Some of the members of the horde was here long before the orcs and treated just as poorly from the Humans and alliance races without cause. That is why they joined the horde in the first place.


If we’re talking about the forest trolls specifically, this was mainly just because of the humans alliance with the high elves at the time I believe.

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Snaps her fingers THAT, for humans! There only two, in my estimation, that were worthy of respect: Varian and Tirion.
The rest? Meh.

As for the rest, it is as I wrote earlier: You join the Horde then you are complicent in their actions. Should’ve chosen their friends better.
In fact, the Tauren and Night elves were fairly close at one point: some exchanges have even been friendly.
But now…oh well.

The Kal’dorei kicked them out long ago!
Now the Horde has them.
We call that ‘justice’.
evil laughter

Oh then what about what happened with the goblins. They wasn’t even with the horde yet and the Alliance sunk their ship as they fled for their lives from their sinking homes. You guys tried to commit genocide then, where is the goblins retribution?

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I don’t think anyone would complain if the goblins killed the person responsible for that order, it’s not like it was something organized by the alliance.

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I did both storylines during Legion and Blizzard made it so Alliance side it looked like the Horde betrayed the Alliance and left them to die. Instead that the Horde had no other options but to retreat and regroup. That is what sparked the war because Blizzard want to keep the faction war going. Also you are mistaken with the broken shore, the Horde was not fighting for the Alliance but for themselves. It was in the Hordes best interest to fight along side of the Alliance. Dying at the broken shore would not have been their best interest. Just like following a leader down a path of death is not in the best interest of the Horde as well.

Victory or death can be seen a few different ways. If you are fighting a battle for survival then the only options are victory or death. Siding against my warchief was because that was my only option for survival, either option has the chance for death.

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Again, it was HUMANS! That was clearly the Stormwind navy; elves don’t make ships that ugly.
Humans are also very much into ‘here’s what we’re gonna do’, when they tell us anything at all. Not big on taking council or accepting it.

This is a tragedy for the Night Elves but Blizzard also ruined Sylvanas. True Sylvanas fans would be disgusted by her writing. Why does Sylvanas have to be Arthas 2.0? Why does she have to commit genocide? She fought for her homeland, and in a way got reunited again with Quel’Thalas and only to now literally hate the Horde and desire the death of everyone?

This is just horrible writing on so many fronts and Blizzard is being irresponsible with it.

Horde literally broke out into the very moment of civil war. One beloved character tainted forever. A disregard for Night Elf fans in BFA and Shadowlands lore.

Blizzard. Make it so Sylvanas was mind controlled, restore the Kaldorei Empire, and give the Horde a proper warchief that lasts more than 4 expansions and doesn’t try to subvert the rest of the Horde into conforming to their dictatorship.


Yes but you see. You are part of the Alliance so you are responsible for what the humans do because of your own Logic that all the members of the horde are responsible for what the orcs do. Or are we going to be hypocritical here?

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She also backstabbed garithos when they fought to take back lordaeron and then questioned why she couldn’t get any help from the human nations.

She could of just helped and then had plenty of humans to speak on behalf for what would soon enough be the forsaken. So no she’s kinda been the stupid kind of evil from the very start.

And just in case some tries to just say “but garithos was evil too!” yeah he was an idiot and probably deserved to die eventually, but I don’t think you could say the same for the survivors of lordaeron that were devoured by her ghouls.

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Ah but the Horde has always been ‘we be one big family; misfits and outcasts banding together’’. Even Sylvanas understood that she needed some consensus from time to time. Garrosh was the only real exception to that practice.

The Alliance, on the other hand, has always been THE KING OF STORMWIND…and others. Never consulted. Never ‘asked’ but ORDERED.
And we are SICK OF IT.

Kal’dorei AND Worgen (lookin zt YOU, Dex ol’ buddy), have given and given and GIVEN! We never said ‘no’ and we never asked for anything.
Save once.
And we were ignored.

Hope you like the street life; because squatting in the gutters is just fine and dandy with Mrs. Wrathion.

So no, no hypocrite here: just a realist.

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don’t really care honestly, it’s just a game.

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It is not set in stone though, see my example of the original Alliance intro to Twilight Highlands, that was fully voiced too, yet got scrapped for a quick tour around SW in a plane followed by a black screen.

How many more night elf players are gonna post this stuff? Every time I read this I am reminded of a small part of one of Captain’s Grim’s videos about the BFA launch experience machinima where at 1:32 a night elf druid is standing in a part of Boralus that is on fire, dark eye liner leaking down his cheek and yelling at the sky for his unfair fate.

I can’t take posts like these seriously, as I refuse to believe that this is a serious issue in any way. I mean, I main a green orc, you barely see any of us on horde side anymore, we are even looked down on by the Mag’har, even though we are the main horde race, but you don’t see me posting overly long winded speeches on the forums about how unfair it is, because it’s a non-issue and even if orgrimmar itself was laid to waste, why would that get in the way of me playing as a race I love and enjoy?

Hell even I have Night elf alts and I don’t go screaming at the world at how blizzard has treated us “unfairly”. I mean damn I get you’re passionate about your character but play the game. It’s not like you can’t ever go back to Darnassus, its not -actually- gone outside of the story.

Isn’t there a bronze dragon somewhere that reverses time before the burning of the tree? I agree Blizzard dropped the ball on the story for BFA, trust me I -fully- agree and sympathize there but it’s not the first time they’ve flopped like this, you’re not a special case but rather only one piece of huge broken puzzle.

I wouldn’t call it “disgusting”, I’d honestly just call it dumb. Much like the rest of the story this expansion. Hopefully this time the change in leadership will be better for the Horde, we lost Vol’jin too soon.

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Unless you disobey:

It only means death to the Sylvanas supporters, which are mostly comrprised of PvPers and overall video gamers (vs MMROGers).


This cant be said enough. All because of the people banshee waifu.

Vol’Jin and the Darkspear deserved better as well.


100% agree. We owed them that much to them and the tauren after the garrosh fiasco. Impale my friends and brothers/sisters-in-arms on the spikes of Orgrimmar will you?! *****ING HERESY!


night elves should be genocided off they arnt worth existing sylvanas did everyone a favor. this may be shocking but there is more people playing wow who like sylvanas still on horde than there is who don’t and most devs are all for keeping sylvanas alive. the war was justified when it saves the universe im sure malfurion would understand after sundering azeroth and illidan after destroying 2 planets using souls of countless innocents and valen who was more than willing to watch his world burn and leave them to die for the “greater good” :slight_smile: