*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

Again, Orc saying not Horde.

Or are you saying your precious little elves have all the same Values the humans and dwarves do.

Im kinda glad they did something against the grain here.
Like… honest talk here. I want them to do more teldrisils in the game. it divided the community and gave us all a good shock.
its war btw, Nightelves got rekt.
such sad.
secondly tho i want to see something happen where tyranda dosnt stay with the boy king.
I want her to actually do something herself.


They ran, too.
Could have made a last stand and really saved the day but NOOOOooooo…!
Gotta run away.
And they, and the rest of the Horde, have been running ever since.

Now, if only Varian’s…heirchokes had even HALF the spine of his father, the Horde would REALLY have something to cry about.

Only when it comes to the Horde.
And traitors.

The actions of the broken shore added to Genn’s doubts about Sylvanas, which was only emboldened by his new king reinforcing this. As for the the vengeance and him talking about his son, that’s really just writters throwing drama at the wall.

As for the bit about the horde and alliance and the numerous people that have died, I would like to redirect to my point about Daelin Proudmoore. A character that grew and fought during a time when the orcs were quite a bit more violent and stupid then what they are now, that inevitably let his hate for the orcs consume him to the point where he wouldn’t even listen to his own daughter pleading with. It’s like a juxtaposition when it comes to Daelin and Genn as both characters are consummed with vengence and hate for the Orcs/Forsaken respectively. The difference being that Daelin refused to listen while we still see Genn relenting his hate to follow the word of his king.

Hell if I know what’ll happen with the future of the odd storytelling we have, but so far you’d be hard pressed to paint genn as an evil character of sorts.

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I can agree with some bits of what your saying, but I will never accept an excuse of “That is just writers” doing something. Because characters are not real people all their actions are the sum of what the writers do. So that part even if you disagree with it, is now part of that character and his motives. The writers decide what the character is, not you nor I.

May I point out it’s the same Disgusting pill I and many Sylvanas supporters have to swallow now.

Instead of diamond earings it’s anything Night Elves for the OP.

‘‘oh but he bwoke a twuce waaahhh we’re all supposed to sing kumbuya now!’’
Evil he may be, and may yet turn in that direction; seeing as he has so little to look forward, for both his people and his family( what’s left of it).
I’ve read more than one post calling for an Alliance civil war: add my voice to that!
After all, the Horde has now had TWO!
Our turn now.

Have you read what her supporters have been posting? They should go into politics, the spin they’re doing.
Maybe they’re hoping Blizzard will give her back the old two-piece so they can erp in peace lol.

You know it always surprising me how often people say stuff like that. Some of them very vocal feminist, but it’s like one of the least empowering things you can say. You are basicly saying someone can never follow or like a female leader unless they are in skimpy clothing.

No justice, No peace


Events that happened in game are “disgusting” what a joke. It’s a game and not the real world.

Brave… I remember someone getting banned from hearthstone for similar notion about another country.

Although I think I like the can’ t breathe chanting better. The no justice no peace one sounds more like a threat to keep the country in constant chaos. Damaging people not even involved with what happened.

If that’s the price, I’ll pay it.

I’m not going sit back and say nothing irl or ingame.



Oh sweet summer child.
Make a Horde player on MY server and hang out in the UC Throne Room.
Or check out what her…‘followers’ have been saying in these forums: GD and elsewhere.

When I’m insulting the writters I’m generally insulting them a point of ignoring what’s happened and already been established, and instead rewriting it to fit whatever they’re trying to push forward next.

Like when I mentioned Daelin, they tried to paint him as a monster. When in reality he came from a time of fighting back against the orcs when they were incredibly bloodthirsty and only wanted to kill all the humans.

There’s actually an interesting point where we can look back towards the second war when it came to the actions he observed from the king of alterac, and their betrayal towards the old alliance for the guaranteed “safety” from the old horde. So if we then see his own daughter in the midst of what would be the new horde, we can rationalize and see why his contempt and blind hate made sense from his character perspective. It was just another trick by what he had come to know as the old horde, and didn’t really matter what his daughter or any of the members of the new horde could say at that point.

So again instead of getting some good insight into the failures of the old alliance and old horde creating a broken man that couldn’t see past his hate, and moving towards a future where neither faction creates the same kind of person again. We just get the writers making anduin quake in his boots as he essentially says daelin was a monster.

So it’s just my own opinion I guess, but I’m going to continue calling the writers bad. Or whomever is restricting the writers from having any good ideas.


…and justice will be when Sylvanas expires at our hands! She is afraid of her afterlife AND WITH REASON!
THEN, when the Horde has made restitution for their part, we’ll have peace!

For now…

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Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. It’s a never ending cycle, and not a path to peace.

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NOW who’s forgetting ‘‘oh its all just a game’’?
Or do you really think people are incapable of scrolling up?

Tell that to the Horde, next time they come calling. You can even go out first, alone and unarmed. you know…‘peacefully’. I’m sure they’ll respectfully listen to everything you have to say BEFORE THEY GUT YOU LIKE A FISH AND FEED ON YOUR REMAINS.

Welcome to Azeroth.

And this is why we will never have peace. :wink: Both sides are too stubborn for such a thing. Someone will always want vengeance.

I just sincerely hope with that attitude of yours. You are not one of the people wanting the faction war to end. Because this line of thinking will never lead to that.

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Yep; justified in the Alliance case, as the orcs started all this.
Any who stand with them are also complicant.
Personally, I’ll settle for Sylvanas.
Dibbs on her bow.

It’ll end when it does.