*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

I’m really starting to hate this point about Legion and Genn because it’s always twisted by the people talking about it to make Genn seem way worse then he is.

Yeah I forgot, In the Alliance eyes. Genn knew exactly what Sylvanas was doing and his intent there wasn’t some vengeance focus’d vendetta but one of nobel cause.


Were you ‘against it before you were for it’, little arrow?

And there’s the twisting.

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Ok I twisted it? Then how would you explain it.

That’s the point I hit on.

Pretty ridiculous, right?

I don’t really want to see a 3rd purely evil faction. I just want both factions to have more depth. I what I really want to see is a massive pvp update. I am big fan of having the factions come together but WoW needs it war. Not every one is going to be happy about that but having some Alliance and Horde leaders still waging a “secret” war would be interesting. Those factions would be pvp only maybe even some underground fight arenas like Brawlers guilds for people to watch death matches.

As for the last part all I have to say is Lok’tar Ogar, victory or death my friend.

but you love buying into it; especially playing on the side that Blizzard openly favors and gives every advantage.
Try being evil on MY side of the fence; then you can talk but only with permission.
Now pick some daisies and wait for orders, like a good little arrow.


Big talk coming from someone playing a race that started as an April Fool’s joke.

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So then it is your contention that the Horde fleeing during the battle at the broken shore was a cause of war? Because they didn’t stay and become extinct for the Alliance.

Additionally Lok’tar Ogar isn’t a horde saying it’s an Orc saying. So if that is your reasoning… Only the orcs should of stayed and died.


So you’re good with the slaughter at Taurajo? The camp/outpost that was just outside Mulgore but somehow got completely overlooked when the Alliance moved in ?

But but, they allowed some people to flee so it was okay.

I never said we were perfect: I’m just really annoyed at missing the chance for some sweet tender VEAL CUTLETS.

You all wanted ‘evil’; here it is.

Personally I think regardless of how you feel about geen as a character, that the events stormheim isn’t based on him knowing sylvanas is going after anything. It’s based primarily on the fact that after the broken shore and sylvanas’s seeming betrayal, that even anduin felt the horde was trying to go to war with them again. This is why the skyfire is sent to follow her, finding out sylvanas is trying to steal anything just seems like an aggressive move in the eyes of someone like genn who already hates sylvanas for his own completely irrational and fair reasons. So I’m not trying to argue here the genn is a great character that always makes the correct choices as clearly that’s not the case, but context for what we’ve been shown by the characters matters.

As for the broken shore itself? That was to me just another dumb drama choice on part of the writers, the horde wasn’t wrong for making the choice it did. But at the same time that doesn’t stop the horde from sending a messenger after the fact to not cause unrest, but since we can’t have that it just inevitably ended up being pointless drama.

I just want to make something clear here, I’m not at all against the writers wanting to make any alliance character evil or whatever. What I do have a problem with is just blindly calling a characters actions evil just so that it can further their rail road of a plot, if you don’t mind me mentioning Daelin Proudmoore for a moment. I hated how they just swept him under the rug this expansion not because I’m someone who thinks “he was right after all!” but because he was a perfect character to show how the wrong choices from humans and orcs combined created twisted mentality that he had. But no all we got was this stupid bit showing that he was just blindly horrible.

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It’s even more laughable considering they’re all sitting in the same city but no one talked? lmao

Was he there because of the seemingly beterayal at the broken shore though? Because I didn’t really see any mention of that. The entire focus was talking about Vengeance for the prince. Broken shore wasn’t really mentioned. It was my son this, my son that. While it’s understandable. How many son’s has the alliance killed over the long history of the horde and the alliance. If everyone saught vengeance in the way Genn does, would peace ever be possible?

Agreed; especially the part about the messenger. A hasty note attached to an arrow and Varian would have had the heads up he needed. Speaking as a Hunter player, that would have been an easy move for Sylvanas to make.
Instead, we have this.
Now, once again Blizzard writers slip back into the tired old ‘Horde acts then the Alliance reacts, maybe’.
Once, JUST ONCE, I’d like to be on the aggressive team!
Here’s hoping Genn and Tyrande form up something viable to that regard.

So the massive horn blowing wasn’t a message? I mean you guys got the sign of retreat the exact same time the horde did.


Soo. You got tired of having your sad behind handled to you on the story forum and decided to come to general?

Since I already answered ALL your lies, falacious arguments and exagerations I m just gonna sit here and see how people here handle you

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Yeah because EVERYONE knows what that meant, exactly? How? When were signals established? Or is there a ‘Azeroth Fieldbook Guide to Horns in War’’?
Considering how the horde reacted, that was meant for them, and them only.
By the time the Alliance figured it out, there was no choice but to withdraw.

loktar ogar , huh