*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

Usually it’s just RPing tbh. And sometimes it’s just funny to tease someone a little.
Trust me, no one (or at least the majority of ppl) don’t mean harm with this

I’ll fight your mangy butt to the death before that happens.


So you don’t think blood elf players would be a little peeved if Alliance players suddenly started taunting them about all “those prissy little blood elf mages that got killed by Jaina. She should have killed all of them. In fact, she should have just destroyed Silvermoon and finished what Arthas started.” Because that’s how it feels when Horde players taunt Alliance players about what happened at Teldrassil.


There is no difference between Genn’s current direction and Sylvanas’s prior to Legion. Both are Angry racist people that are vengeance driven. Genn will become a Raid boss at some point. As this behavior time and time again has driven people to madness and villianry in Azeroth.

That’s some mighty weak bait.


Tbh what you’re saying is true though.

Also homegurl Jaina should’ve tsunami’d the hell out of Orgrimmar and have an epic Mage vs Shaman fight with Thrall lmao

What’s it going to be like when we actually get to play the finished game and you discover how you were wrong because you jumped to conclusions from the alpha?
I mean you could be right but it won’t be because any of us have any facts now.

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And yet, I am not wrong.

Spoiler: The Super Forbidden Deadly Technique That Kills It’s Wielder, is, GASP! Killing it’s wielder! A total shocker to absolutely no one!

I bet she’s going to die, and then Malfurion is going to go completely psycho. You could say they building up tragedy to make them snap, or Tyrande will just decide to go made with slaughter when she realizes she’s on borrowed time.

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Ehhh if she dies from it, wouldn’'t all the black eyed night elves die from it? Being that its a playable race it sounds more likely some cure will be found. /shrug.

Blizz kind of screwed up when they let players get it too cause it traps them in that sense.

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Nah, tyrande is much more likely to snap than malfurion, they need to kill malfurion so Tyrande becomes a raid boss. Her character is so freaking annoying.

The thing is though, you and I both know that Blizzard would never do that to a Horde race. Sometimes I wish the Alliance (humans and night elves especially) were a little more gritty and a little less, idk, weak seeming? If night elves were more savage and humans were more tough and aggressive, then maybe Blizzard would be less willing to do stuff like this to them.

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This is the problem with having everything in the books but not showing it in game for game play purpose. In books and lore the Alliance is full of strong characters and having wins against the Horde. When it comes to the game those things are never shown and the Horde always gets away with being horrible.

BfA is a great xpac to use phasing on in zones. In Stormsong the zones destroyed by the Horde could have had the Horde removed and world quest in the for the Alliance could have focused on rebuilding efforts and honoring the lost. Show Zuldazar heavily damaged by the Alliance and the Horde helping to rebuild. Bring in some bronze dragons to let us toggle between the old and new zones. We know it can be done because it is being done now.

At this point as a person who mainly plays Horde, even I am wondering why Blizzard is letting get away with murder. Scapegoating the Horde leader is old when most of the Horde was for everything Sylvanas did. This is just pitiful.


Because there’s bigger fish to fry. Most of the horde only went along because disobeying your warchief is death.

Was? Even knowing it was all trap I’m still for what she did. I just wish it wasn’t for a trap. Sometimes you can do the right thing for the wrong reasons. The alliance do need to die, and just as Sylvanas said, they will always be a threat to the horde there will never be an everlasting peace. Nothing lasts.

Just wanting characters to die because you feel like it’s not fair doesn’t making the writting any better, it’d still be the same crap show that we’ve all known. The best anyone here can ask for is just better writing in hopes that we’ll actually get some depth for once.

But that aside wishing for characters to die is just some a sense of elitism towards one side or the other, it doesn’t really matter which faction it is in question.

It’s almost like a dedicated faction war based on the premise of one side being evil towards another is a tired trope and no longer appropriate for a game that has repeatedly moved past that.

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There will always be bigger fish to fry so that reasoning is a cop out. At this point the Horde should be better. After drinking demon blood and Garrosh, the Horde should be willing to place their life on the line instead of being sheep. Instead we allow ourselves to be herded like weak willed sheep for a little taste of power.

The “was” was for npcs, players really have no choice we just play the options we were given. The Alliance allows the Horde to exist, lets not play games about it. They are the stronger of the two factions and Blizzard weakens them to allow the two faction storyline to continue. The Horde were the aggressors in this xpac, while not happy about it the Alliance would have given us peace. While you are correct nothing last, we broke the peace and from where the Alliance stands we are the ones that need to die.

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It’ll never happen, but I’d love a 3rd, purely evil faction. I’d gladly murder everyone for that power.

But as for possibly dying for disobeying the warchief, it’s the same in real life. Very few people would be able to put lives of strangers over their own.

Actually the Alliance broke the peace in Legion, or do we forget Genn that easily.