*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

It’s in GD, it’s open discussion, lore forums are over here https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/c/lore/47

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I don’t think I’d care, to be honest. It’s a game, and the characters aren’t me.

Yeah, I get it, it’s just a game to you. You don’t care about lore. I wish people like you would stop coming out of the woodwork to mock people for caring about lore.


I mean, beside it tearing the faction in question apart leading directly to the downfall of its government and also a complete reformation of it.

A lvl 116 goblin mage defending the Night Elves… must be an illusion, what are you hiding?

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I think you can care a bit about lore coherence without getting all verklempt when a game about an ongoing faction war starts to look the tiniest bit like, well, war.

I’m fine with war. What I’m not fine with is practically the whole civilian portion of a race’s population getting killed. Having no or extremely delayed punishment for this just makes it worse.


Eh, the faction war is played out, it really should just die. No side can ever get a win since there is players on both sides.

You know why you get flagged? Because you’re annoyingly offended or trolling. It was a city and tree burned not a whole race! Also this is fantasy, so don’t get your panties in a twist.

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Wait, what? Because it’s just a game to us we don’t care about lore?

It should be game to everyone, lol.

WoW is not real.

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The lead story dev should be fired, he’s toxic and simply terrible at his job.


Well that is their own fault for trying to barricade the way to the tree.

I don’t know what crack pipe some of the people here are smoking, but good lord there writers/devs aren’t crafting some masterpiece to pull at the heartstring of it’s players.

No it’s just cheap poorly thought out drama that usually makes no sense and is just there to create fake tension.


It’s bad writing. That’s something literally everyone agrees on.
Stop getting so emotionally worked up over this. It’ll eventually get resolved. Now just play the game and troll trade chat or something

I didn’t want to help innocent civilians escape in the Teldressil event, but I was forced to as a Horde :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sure when the horde burns Genn ur king alive, I’ll be happy to tell to tell you to chill out just one king right? Why you mad?

I’ll be very chill if that happens. I’ve been a long time supporter of killing off Anduin and his pet dog.

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Usually I’m not worked up about it. Most of the time I’m just disappointed with it. It’s when players make ignorant and/or callous comments that I get angry.

Go home you Horde player


So offensive, i’m offended. You called me a horde player oh no, such an insult. You wound me, I just might die.