*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

This would have made for a compelling and interesting lead in to the war, horde need lumber (would of been a very interesting dynamic if they were trading it to the other alliance or neutral races), NE attack horde… horde decide its on and go to war… thats a war we can all get behind, then plot twist Sylvanas is working with jailer… not “hey saurfang lets plan a dishonorable pre-emptive strike that makes no sense given your characters back story”.

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As if night elves aren’t an extremely popular race on Alliance? That didn’t stop blizzard from genociding them. I don’t actually want more races genocided. I just want a little empathy from Horde players. It makes me angry when Horde players try to say “Oh, get over it. It’s not that big of a deal”. When it didn’t happen to them, and they didn’t have to deal with it.


Killing cockroaches isn’t genocide, it’s bug zapping.

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It’s players like you I’m talking about that have zero empathy, and seem to enjoy taunting Alliance players.


It’s a game, they’re pixels. I enjoy playing the evil character.

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That explains a lot.

Some people get too caught up in a game… like the OP.

WoW’s writing has always been awful.

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Here’s a hint: telling people to “get over it” does nothing but give the teller a smug sense of satisfaction. It does nothing to change people’s point of view.


Didn’t say get over it. Just said they’re far too invested in a fantasy world. And they’ve already said they’ll continue the story, they’re just not ready yet. Often times threads in mmo’s are left open for years to be closed later.

FFXIV does this all the time, and much better than WoW.

And speaking of lore, it would make sense for an orc/undead/blood elf/goblin to not give a crap about all the NE deaths.

Tauren would be the most likely to be against it.

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I mean… you still have Moonglade, Hyjal, Val’sharah and whatever island the Wardens are on. And the former 2 are key locations from WC3.

It seems like Blizz is just destroying ugly mistakes they make. Teldrassil is gross lmao

Also I’m pretty sure that the storyline is going to be continued after Shadowlands. It’s just not going to fit the Shadowlands storyline (which is all about the death and loss from Legion/BFA). So chill.

It was actually a lot more than one town. Have you ever been outside of darnasus on teldrasil? Not to mention the whole culling of ashenvale and darkshore.


It’s easy for you to be aloof and proclaim that “you’re just being too invested”. When it didn’t happen to you.


It’s a game, it didn’t happen to anyone.


Seek help. Soon.

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So you’re saying you wouldn’t mind having a majority of orc civilians killed by your enemies with no repercussions? Or the trolls? Tauren? Forsaken? Don’t pretend horde players wouldn’t be up in arms at that.

I know it didn’t happen to anyone in real life. I would have had a very different (and more severe) reaction if it did. If you think I’m actually mourning night elf lives, you’re delusional. I’m angry that Blizzard thought killing a majority of night elf civilians was a good idea. That basically kills their culture. Only the army is left. It almost deletes a race from the game. That’s what I’m really angry about. It basically guts the Night Elf race.


No, I wouldn’t care.

And yes, no one should support real life killings on that level, it’s horrible.


I remember hearing a long time ago, some quote from the devs of Warcraft, something like this:

“If you’re looking for peace in WAR-craft, look elsewhere. We don’t do that here.”

It was something along those lines.

It’s a video game, something something, don’t genocide in real life?

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You’ll never have to put that statement to the test because you know it’ll never happen to any Horde race in WoW. And even if that was true, you’ve said yourself that you enjoy playing evil characters. So I don’t think you speak for the Horde in general.


No one speaks for anyone in general.

Many horde players loved the idea of a more evil faction too, but that’ll never happen. I just play for the gameplay content anyway.

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If gameplay is all you care about, why are you commenting on a lore issue? Clearly this doesn’t concern you.